Interesting arguments from all...
Re: citizenship: I recall the pre-Crisis story where Supes was giving honorary citizenship in all member UN nations. Seems pre-Crisis he was treated as being American (per two stories about someone from the IRS claiming he owes back taxes), though also (as the UN story and countless others note) also being the world's hero. Post-Crisis, he's also been treated as American/the world's hero, though Byrne seemed to play up the "I'm an American" aspects to me. I assume the "citizenship in all UN member countries" isn't canonical anymore...
While obviously Clark Kent's still a citizen, what I kept thinking of is that Superman usually steers clear of getting involved in such political situations, particularly real-world ones, unless absolutely forced to (dealing with Nazis on the homefront in WWII-era stories, say, but not single-handedly ending Vietnam/the War in Iraq/etc., that story about "Qurac" aside). Part of the general "Superman's here to help, but humanity also needs to solve its own problems" "Prime Directive"-like stance, I figured (as well as a real-life way for DC to keep its characters somewhat-neutral)...
Re: Action #900: I wrote on my blog about the previous anniversary issues: