Superman Fan
Posts: 6
« on: February 26, 2011, 03:07:24 PM » |
In the early days, his skin was so tough that "nothing short of a bursting shell could break his skin".
Of course, over time his invulnerability became far stronger than this, to the point where ONLY kryptonite could affect him. This was maybe mid-fifties? I think this was literal at the time--you could literally have a force powerful enough to destroy the universe, or even increase that force exponentially, and it wouldn't even leave a scratch on Superman if there was no kryptonite involved.
Although, I think there was really a second weakness, even in those days. Other people, creatures, and things from Krypton, as well as super-strength in the neighborhood of Kryptonian type levels of super-strength or stronger (e.g., other Kryptonians [e.g., Krypto, Supergirl, General Zod], Daxamites [e.g., Mon-el], Martians [e.g., J'onn J'onzz], maybe Wonder Woman, although she might not have been strong to affect him in the fifties--she got physically stronger over time from the fifties to the eighties [well, except for that time in the seventies when she lost her powers briefly]). Of course, this category would include things like Virus X, although Virus X specifically wasn't introduced until a little later (~1962). Let's call this weakness "Kryptonian etc." So this is two weaknesses 1) Kryptonite, and 2) Kryptonian etc.
And no, Kryptonite does not fall into the same category as "Krytonian etc.", because kryptonite is the one thing from Krypton that does not become super-powered by the yellow sun; the category "Kryptonian etc." is things that affect Superman because they are super-powered just like Superman is. For example, although it is uniquely unaffected by oxidation due to its unusual chemistry and therefore the meteors do not burn up when passing through earth's atmosphere, kryptonite can otherwise be destroyed by anything that can destroy an ordinary rock, unlike other substances from Krypton, which are physically invulnerable to harm under the yellow sun. Kryptonite affects Superman even though it is not super-powered.
I seem to recall stories in these days where Superman would be subjected to ultra powerful forces/devices, and state, "that can't affect me--I'm only vulnerable to kryptonite!" He stated this many times. In some cases, the device would turn out to be powered by kryptonite, and would affect him. Otherwise, it wouldn't affect him, no matter how powerful.
Shortly thereafter two more weaknesses were introduced, 3) red solar radiation; and 4) magic. In spite of these extra vulnerabilities, the invulnerability was still extremely potent. Even the most advanced levels of super-science could not affect Superman at all without incorporating kryptonite or red-solar radiation. I think by the late fifties these weaknesses were established.
Initially, even super-scientific devices that only affected the mind Superman was immune to, unless there was kryptonite or red-solar radiation involved. But at some point (~early sixties) an exception was established that super-scientific devices could affect superman's mind--his invulnerability applied only to *physical* harm at this point. Whereas previously I specifically recall him being immune to even ultra-scientific mind-affecting devices. I'm sure I could dig through and find at least one example of him being invulnerable to a mind-altering scientific device in the fifties, maybe in a JLA comic or something, but I don't recall the details off hand.
Conversely, an early example of being affected by devices that affect the mind is shown in a Legion story, Adventure 314 (November 1963)--Superboy: "I don't know what kind of weird weapon you're using.. it can't harm me!" Villian: "Of course you're invulnerable to physical harm, Superboy! But my psycho-changer affects the mind and personality, not the body!" This is Superboy not Superman but of course Superboy is the same person, just younger. But let's not include this as a vulnerability--we're listing the exceptions to Superman's *physical* invulnerability. It is interesting to note though that this was a change, a further lessening in the extent of Superman's invulnerability. I seem to recall at some later point, maybe late sixties, anti-matter was established another thing that could destroy Superman. So we'll call this weakness 5) anti-matter. But I forget the details. Does anyone recall when Superman's vulnerability to anti-matter was established for the very first time?
And I think this list of 5 are the silver age Superman's only weaknesses--i.e., things that can overcome his physical invulnerability, specifically. 1) Kryptonite, 2) Kryptonian etc., 3) red solar radiation, 4) magic, 5) anti-matter. (Or was anti-matter even established in the silver age, or was that not until the bronze age? I don't recall). I seem to even recall a letter by T. M. Maple or one of the other prolific letter writers specifically listing these five vulnerabilities and discussing them in a letter at the back of one of the comics of Action or Superman. (If anyone can happen to identify which issue had this letter I'd be curious to know--because I know I have that issue but it would be tough to find which one it is).
In the bronze age, the vulnerability was increased further. The well-established concept that ONLY kryptonite, red solar radiation, and magic could affect him was discarded. Those remained his primary specific weaknesses, but not his only ones. Granted, his invulnerability still extremely potent, with even a hydrogen bomb not leaving a scratch, but very potent forces, including super-scientific weapons, could certainly affect him. Powerful enough super-scientific weapons could affect Superman physically without requiring kryptonite or red solar radiation, as was the case in the silver age. All manner of powerful advanced scientific weapons could affect Superman in the bronze age.
OK, correct me if I'm wrong about anything above, just going off the best I can roughly remember.
Can any Superman lore expert give a rough timeline of when each of Superman's vulnerabilities were first established? For example, when was magic first established as a vulnerability? And I'm particularly interested in when anti-matter was first established as a weakness, as I don't really recall the details on that one.