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Author Topic: Action 850 and the "new" origin...  (Read 12197 times)
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Ruby Spears Superman
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« on: November 03, 2007, 02:17:01 AM »

I just picked this up today after a friend recommended it and I have to say to me it just came across as just another rehash of the Man of Steel origin with a reference to the legion thrown in. On the plus side, it looks like the pre-crisis univerese is still out there somewhere as an "alternate" reality.

Anyone have any thoughts about this?
Action Ace
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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 06:38:40 AM »

Read Action Comics #858. Clark is completely alienated from people at school and doesn't play football. He even wears glasses and has powers. Completely different from MOS. It's kind of a mix between the Donner movies and the Silver Age. Superman's complete origin hasn't been fully told yet, so we're just seeing glimpses. According to Kurt Busiek, DC hasn't said "Go" on the new origin story yet, but when they do I'm sure it'll be something big. So far we've seen a Krypton similar to the Donner movies, Kal having a teen-aged career as "Super-Boy" (when the Superboy fiasco is settled I bet we'll even see him in costume), a more mild-mannered Clark Kent, and Superman gaining a boost in intelligence.

Regarding #850, I thought it was a cool story. It seems like there's an Earth for all the different versions of Superman: Silver Age, MOS (perhaps the black-suited Superman featured in the villains ad?), Birthright (maybe this could be DC's answer to an Ultimate style series?), and New Earth. I loved Kara's reaction to the super-mullet. Completely in-character for her.

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Ruby Spears Superman
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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 04:01:07 PM »

Again, I haven't been following Superman comics in a while, that was just my observation based on what I saw. A Clark that developed powers over time, rescued the crashing space plane, made Lois fall in love with him, these all seem to fit the pattern of the Byrne origin.

There does appear to be elements of the movies thrown in as well and that can't be a bad thing but remember Man of Steel did that too. I guess I just don't like "cryptic" origins. It seems like they are trying to avoid another Birthright fiasco by revealing stuff over time instead of all at once so old fans don't get upset. Which is a shame, I liked Birthright! Grin
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« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2007, 12:45:29 AM »

Supes was shown to have super powers on some level when he was a baby (he has been shown lifting a fridge over his head as a baby. Not exactly blowing the Earth back into orbit as a teen but its getting closer)
And it fixes the major mistake of MOS, that Clark is real and Superman is the act (or at least Clark and Superman are exactly the same)

I really don't want a "new" origin, I just want the old one back. This is Superman not every new team has to re-create the character all the time.
Ruby Spears Superman
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« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2007, 02:33:34 PM »

I really don't want a "new" origin, I just want the old one back. This is Superman not every new team has to re-create the character all the time.

Amen to that! Cheesy
Superman's Pal
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« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2007, 07:16:16 PM »

Which 'old' origin?

My blog. Now featuring thoughts from Leinil Yu, Scott McCloud, Kurt Busiek, Brad Walker, and Evan Dorkin. Seriously!
Man they are slummin' it.
Superman Family
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« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2007, 08:02:30 PM »

Superman 146 "the complete story of superman's life' works pretty good as a basic origin. Doesn't have legion in it but doesn't mean it doesn't fit.
I don't mind writers going back and "adding" stuff to superman's origin (like supermans super-sword or whatever that eliot s maggin story was, or Luthor going back in time to score with Supes' mother) and minor "tweaks" aren't bad either, just taking stuff away kind of annoys me.

PS. I probably prefer the "origin of superman" written by e nelso bridwell from the 70s but both are pretty good.

PPS. I liked that they changed superman so much over time from the golden age to silver age that they made them 2 different characters (on different earths) so everyones favorite stories always happened. (a little thing i suppose but I liked it)
Action Ace
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« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2007, 06:03:28 AM »

Again, I haven't been following Superman comics in a while, that was just my observation based on what I saw. A Clark that developed powers over time, rescued the crashing space plane, made Lois fall in love with him, these all seem to fit the pattern of the Byrne origin.

There does appear to be elements of the movies thrown in as well and that can't be a bad thing but remember Man of Steel did that too. I guess I just don't like "cryptic" origins. It seems like they are trying to avoid another Birthright fiasco by revealing stuff over time instead of all at once so old fans don't get upset. Which is a shame, I liked Birthright! Grin
I liked BR too, but I think the Busiek/Johns origin fits a little better. Not that it has to fit, since this isn't the post-Crisis Earth--it's New Earth. It just fits better for the sake of fans who have read the stories for a while. But if you're worried about BR being forgotten, don't be. It's hinted in the issue that there's a BR Earth out there. DC could essentially use a BR Earth to tell stories about their characters if they debuted in 2007. The implication I got from the issue is that almost every version of Superman exists somewhere in the multiverse. Kind of like Hypertime, but more functional and less metaphysical.

I like the "slow" reboot myself. It gives the writers a chance to not make mistakes. I want them to get this origin perfect. If that means taking their time, then so be it.

As for your observations:

1: In some interpretations the Silver Age Superman didn't have all of his powers at once. In some cases, the last power he learned was flight. And this Clark Kent, unlike the MOS version, already knows how to fly and use his more advanced powers at an early age. And this Clark was a member of the Legion as well.

2: The space plane doesn't really matter at all. Superman saving something that falls from the sky upon his debut is common. "Space plane" is just more science fictiony. Besides, Kal saved a space plane in BR too, if I recall. It just wasn't his debut rescue.

3: It's hinted that Lois fell in love with Clark because she sensed who he really was. Instead of seeing the mild-mannered image he presented to the world, she saw past that to "Smallville Clark."

From what I can tell--being a regular reader of the books for some time now--is that the new origin is an amalgamation of the Silver/Bronze Age, Donner movie, and some milestones (i.e. death and marriage) from the post-Crisis era. The dominant element seems to be the Donner movie, though. It seems like DC wants to blend every good idea ever inserted into the mythos into the New Earth version of Superman, while tossing out all the bad ones. It's "Superman Unbound" in a sense--unbound by the constraints which have limited the character for a long time.

As I said, check out #858. It might relieve some of the concerns you have.

Many people want others to accept their opinions as fact. If enough people accept them as fact then it gives the initial person or persons a feeling of power. This is why people will constantly talk about something they hate—they want others to feel the same way. It matters to them that others perceive things the same way that they do.
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