You see, thatīs what i donīt understand about the Donner and Singer movies complains from Bronze Age fans. I think they are the more close we can get to a Maggin-esque version of Superman on screen. The first was, in fact, inspired by Maggin work and guidance. And Singerīs was a direct follow-up, also influenced by works of Mark Waid, Mark Millar, Kurt Busiek and Jeph Loeb. All the Krypton conection, loneliness angle, Superman/Clark Kent dichotomy and Messiah themes are there. How can we get a more Bronze Age and less Iron Age movies than that?
For one thing, the SA/BA Kal-El was his own man. He didn't need a giant Brando hologram to guide him. Didn't need a Vulcan mind-meld with the hologram to gain his knowledge. He actually built his own fortress instead of growing it with a goofy crystal. And so on and so forth.
The Donner movies and the imagery associated with it has been with us for nearly 30 years. It's time to move on. With today's technology, they can finally give us an epic view of Krypton that isn't the Planet Hoth or a Fortress (as Nightwing once put it) that doesn't look like pick-up sticks.
I just hope that Millar doesn't get the writing job. I've read of what he would do if in charge and it sounds more like Marvel's Sentry or Miracleman than it does Superman.