"Confirmed" and "Confirmed but not designated" from who?

DC's 52 Multiverse list is gathered from monthlies, convention info, and other comicbook related publications. I did not add Vertigo or JSA Liberty Files/JSA: The Unholy Three due to the lack of evidence supporting these claims. Although not specifically stated, "Superman Era" Earths were quietly introduced in Action Comics 850. In fact, I believe there are pictures if you check some of the threads below.
Wasn't Earth 3 the home of the evil version of the League not the JSA? Couldn't Post Crisis Earth & 1990's Earth be combined into one planet? Jurgen's Superman more connected to Byrne's Supes anyways.
I'm surprised DC didn't add that Elseworlds story of a young Superman teaming with an older Batman becoming freedom fighters on a Kryptonian controlled Earth. That story would make a great addition in the new multiverse.
In the new 52 multiverse, Earth-3's Crime Society of America (updated by DC) are evil doppelgangers of Earth-2's Justice Society of America. Geoff Johns revealed Grant Morrison's Crime Syndicate of AmeriKa (introduced in 2000) are still very much alive and living in Qward. Morrison's CSA are evil analogues of New Earth's Justice League of America. Pre-Crisis Earth-3 CSA, first appearance Justice League of America v1 29, perished in Crisis on Infinite Earths. Although, for what it's worth, Pre-Crisis Ultraman and Power Ring did appear in Morrison's Animal Man 23 & 24.
DC appears to make a distinction between Byrne's Man of Steel and Dan Jurgens' Superman. However, I believe it's more along the lines of an Earth with immediate Post-Crisis on Infinite Earths continuity (Emerald Dawn Hal, Perez Wonder Woman, Wally West starting out as the Flash) versus the mid 90's replacement continuity (Mullet Superman, Azbats, Artemis Wonder Woman, and Kyle Rayner Green Lantern. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Okay, after doing some digging, I found and read the issue above. For those interested, this Elseworld's Kryptonian conquers Earth story is Superman Man of Steel Annual 3 (1994).

Just a thought...
One idea, I have about 52, is what was written in the 52 #52. Apparently, before Mr. Mind chowed down, all 52 Earths were identical, especially when it came to Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. After Mr Mind's meal, the Earths were changed sometimes in dramatic ways. My theory is, although the continuities are different, each 52 Earth has Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman. Perhaps in different timelines or worlds but each of the big three lives within each of the 52.
Other 52 Earths I'd like to see:
Superman/Batman Generations & Batman/Captain America
Super-Sons: Superman Jr. and Batman Jr.
Superboy (now Superman) and The Legion of Superheroes
German Expressionism trilogy Superman Metropolis etc
Ultra-Man from Superman 411
Letitia Lerner, Superman's Babysitter