One character type that is common in science fiction and yet nonexistent in superhero comics is the sort of Nietzchean Superman figure - a character that is amoral, yet we admire them because they are so charismatic and intelligent, visionaries beside whom all men are little men.
Examples of this type include the spy from SKYLARK FROM SPACE, Lord Asriel from HIS DARK MATERIALS, and Kier Gray, dictator of Earth from A.E. van Vogt's SLAN. The way he ruthlessly suppressed a coup in his own party was jaw-droppingly incredible.
Unlike his thuggish councilors who engaged in mindless anti-Slan prejudices, Kier Gray said "God, what I wouldn't give for one Slan scientist, that your brainless secret police gunned down in the streets like a dog..." Somehow, that made him MORE, not less frightening!
Also, I'd love to see a sidekick who is arguably more competent and interesting than the main hero, a Mr. Spock-type.
It would be fun to see the Atom do some shrinking to benefit science. He did an eye-operation in Waid's JLA, but there's so much more. For instance, what about the tiny shafts in the Great Pyramid they sent a robot with a camera into? They couldn't go very far because the robot was as finicky as a Norwegian prom-date, but what if there was something really neat down there?
I think characters like Ra's Al-Ghul (spelling?) and Luthor can fit the bill for the charismatic amoral ubermenschen-type. Certainly what I always liked about Ra's was that he wasn't necccessarily evil, just a bit nuts and incredibly driven by a cause he is convinced is right. A cause he will do anything to advance. For that matter, I'd argue that Kobra fits the bill as well. Also: Owlman. While these guys aren't exactly admirable morally, there is something very attractive about their power, skill, courage (I've always believed that Lex has to be the most courageous villain around), and resolve.
For a sidekick who is more competent/interesting than their heroic partner, I'd point to Silver/Bronze Age Hawkgirl.