How about a few "What if . . . ?" discussions?
(1) What if Robin had been a woman? Imagine young Dora Grayson's husband (and trapeze partner) is murdered by Boss Zucco. The Batman brings the gangster to justice, but in the process gains a female partner and enduring love interest. Would this Dynamic Duo work? Would this make Dr. Wertham happier? Would the concept be copied as much as the "boy sidekick" concept was actually copied? (Sandy, Bucky, Speedy, Toro, Buddy, Pinky -- they're all gonna be girls!)
Free Karma point for the first poster who guesses why I chose the name "Dora". It's goofy, but it's worth Karma!

(2) What if Schwartz/Kanigher/Infantino had re-introduced Jay Garrick as the Flash in 1956, instead of creating Barry Allen? Imagine a story where Jay returns to action, "after a few months of inactivity". Imagine that he leaves his old costume in mothballs, and dons the "Barry Allen" version. Thus, he looks just like the Silver Age Flash we are all familiar with (at least in costume), but he has the history of the Golden Ager. Would this work? Would other Golden Agers follow suit (same characters, new costumes)? Would the JSA re-form with new members Aquaman, J'Onn J'Onzz, and Green Arrow added to the ranks?
(3) Assuming number (2)
did not happen, what if Schwartz/Fox did not create Earth-Two and revive the Golden Agers. Imagine they continued to introduce new Silver Age versions of Golden Age heroes. What would 1960s versions of Starman, Hourman, Black Canary, and others look like?