The Simpsons has an ironic meta or post-modern attitude to continuity. Superhero/adventure comics used to have a pre-ironic attitude to it and then evolved, with the readership, into what exists today: continuity overkill and obsession that nevertheless is ritually erased every decade or so.
I find myself vacillating between a yearning for late-Silver Age/early Bronze Age levels of continuity and the sort that was prevalent during the early Silver Age, which, to paraphrase MacKenzie King, was "continuity if necessary, but not necessarily continuity." That is, ignore continuity if it gets in the way of a good story.
I also think it would be neat if the age/time problems didn't necessitate constant reboots: it would be fun to read the serial adventures of someone who was immortal: Superman, Tarzan, Doc Savage, Hercules, The Shadow, etc. I also like the melodramatic "aging" comics like Gasoline Alley, Love and Rockets, and ..what else? I'm not a huge fan of Lynn Johnston. Did Tom Strong age?
Was the Doc Savage pastiche character from Planetary immortal, or just the victim of some sort of time-stasis field? I can't remember. (See, I do read the occasional modern superhero comic!
