The story is reprinted in
Superman in the Sixties, but it is quite confusing. The sun appears in three panels on page 11, and it is colored orange each time. But in panel 1, Superman thinks, "The second planet revolving around that blue sun is . . . Staryl!" Yet in panel 5, Superman says, "You're a Superwoman due to the solar rays of your
orange sun!"

Now I have some tangential questions:
(1) Did Luma ever re-appear (I mean for real, not a flashback/cameo/impersonator)?
(2) Does the "S" on Luma's costume stand for Superwoman? Both Superman and Supergirl referred to her as "a Superwoman" in her debut story, but did she call herself that? Or is it just a Starylian symbol that resembles an "S"?
And a tangential observation:
I just noticed that
Superman in the Sixties has the picture of Superman catching Luma (page 11 panel 4 of her debut story) reprinted on the title page, but Luma's costume is colored to look like Kara's. Quite strange looking, though, since Luma has gloves and shorts (rather than Kara's skirt) and of course, her "S" symbol is in a circle rather than a pentagon.