Proof positive that we live in a Kirby comic, the Pentagon just confirmed they attempted to build a pheremonal/chemical "gay bomb:" troubles me the most is the chilling failure of science fiction and comics to predict this particular gizmo Science fiction writers predicted the atom bomb, why not the gay bomb? Why didn't Nick Fury use a "weaponized gay gun" or something like that? I can totally see the Forever People, Lex Luthor, or the Hairies blasting folk with homobeams.
On the other hand, I've seen bigger gaysplosions on this forum, and they cost considerably less than $7.5 milion.
Way to go, military! This raises the frightening possibility, however, the Russians might get an edge on us in homonuclear weaponry.
At any rate, this whole idea is a cross between Kirby and an especially immature teenage wank fantasy (yes, I'm aware of the irony in that statement).