I'd love to see Vartox again in some form. He was a part of the exciting space opera vibe that Superman had in the 1970s and 1980s. He had cool and somewhat original powers (Superman-level, yet not a derivation of the flight/tank package that Superman clones like Captain Marvel use), and Vartox was someone slightly more experienced that Superman could look up to and seriously speak to.
Vartox is a sympathetic character; he's endured things that have had the effect of breaking his sanity. Combine someone like Kurt Busiek, who has a wonderful gift for characterization and sympathy, and you have the potential for something not only exciting, but also emotional and tragic.
In some ways, Vartox is an alternate version of Superman. If Superman lost Earth and Lois Lane...who's to say that he WOULDN'T react the way Vartox did?
It's great to give Superman an exclusive supporting cast member that isn't an annoying cub reporter; someone that is a legitimate hero and adventure character in their own right.
Though holy crap, that costume's got to go. He looks like Mr. Slave from SOUTH PARK.
There's a fine line between a BAD costume (e.g. Golden Age Green Lantern, who looks like he got dressed in the dark, and the Curt Swan Legion of Super-Heroes...apparently color-blindness is endemic in the 30th Century) and an INSANELY BAD costume, and Vartox is the latter. He looks like Mr. Slave from SOUTH PARK.
But it's no big thing. Just give Vartox some stylin' threads that play up his dignity - maybe based on certain other Sean Connery characters - and Vartox is good to go.
Other great Bronze Agers: Terra Man and Capt. Strong!
Terra-Man's had some great stories, to be sure (especially under Cary Bates), but...Captain Strong? NO. The only thing I can even conceive as being worse is Superman teaming up with the Super Mario Brothers.
Then again, even Captain Strong has entertainment value, though it's the same as the Superbowl Shuffle or the two Coreys in LISCENSE TO DRIVE: just by existing there's a cheesy value there.
I wonder...Is it possible to so internalize irony that it is no longer possible to distinguish between an honestly cool idea and ironic appreciation?