Isn't it glorious how the contributors to this forum manage to turn just about any topic into a John Byrne-bashing party?
I can't speak for anybody else, but bashing Byrne isn't as fun as it used to be. When John Byrne was a superstar artist and considered by the entire earth to be a genius, if you didn't like his AVENGERS WEST COAST you were a voice in the wilderness. Those were the days.
Nowadays, Byrne is seen as a megalomaniac surrounded by an army of bootlicking psychophants, the Byrne Robotics Forum, where he periodically insults Steve Irwin and leches after Asian porn queens.
I'd never thought I'd say this, but I actually feel sorry for John Byrne.
Also, I hate all the smug jackasses that laugh at him like cowardly jackals mocking a sick old lion. A statistically high number are hipster dipshits (fans of Morrison, naturally) that laugh at statements of Byrne's, about how seriously he takes comics.
I feel like grabbing these people, shaking them, and saying "You know what? Byrne's right and you're wrong! Whether the Scarlet Witch chooses Wonder Man or the Vision IS
serious business. It's life or death stuff! Haven't you ever been a fan...a REAL fan...of anything in your life, ever?"