lois lane was so obbsessed with finding out supermans identity im pretty sure it counts as a personality disorder...
Why would ordinary people conclude Superman
had a secret identity in the first place? The writers knew, and the implausibility of that disguise drove 'em nuts and caused all kinds of contorted scripting.
Everyone in the Phantom Zone had nothing to do for eternity but float around disembodied and watch Superman and plot against him, all know his secrety identity from this exercise, but none could ever figure out upon escape how to make that knowledge work for them or
against Superman????
Red K stories were invariably ridiculous, but they're better than the "Imaginary Stories" (while serving the same basic prupose) because they fit into continuity. Maybe the most outlandish aspect of Red K is that it would affect all superbeings the same way in the same story, but (supposedly) never the same way twice, and never more than once, yet were "completely random" in effect. Talk about a plot device.
Recovered Red K (and its catalogued effects) would actually make a great weapon against Kryptonian criminals, when you think about it.