I'm ashamed to say I didn't really know who he was before reading this article, but creating Deadman and the Doom Patrol (or Portal if Super Monkey prefers) is quite an achievement. Does anyone know anything more about the 1950 graphic novel, It Rhymes With Lust, that is mentioned in the article?
It rhymes with lust is a fairly mediocre crime comics story --like a very long version of an issue of crime does not pay and similar comics from the 40s-50s. or like an inferior b-movie film noir. the comics journal reprinted the whole thing a few months ago and dark horse is reprinting it as a graphic novel this year. important as an early graphic novel that inspired no-one --this is the history of graphic novels: every few years from 1800 until about 1980 someone "invented" a long-form comic book and we call these inventions the pre-history of the graphic novel.