Ahh, so they finally found Yeshua ben Yosef, did they? Shame what happened to him, he was such a nice Rabbi and good Jewish boy.
Sorry for speaking the obvious here, but this whole thing stinks of cynical, sensationalist "junk archeology."
Incidentally, "Jesus" is a Greek corruption of Yeshua, or Joshua.
Wow, they found a tomb of a Jewish guy named Joshua.
SURELY, THIS MUST BE THE KING OF KINGS!But I wouldn't discount this entire scenario out of hand, because there has been some debate over exactly when it was that Jesus died. One Australian journalist had a very persuasive theory that Jesus at the age of eighty died at Masada in 76 AD. The Muslims insist he escaped the cruxifiction and died in the Kashmir province of India.
The very fact that "Jesus's Tomb" was found in Judea is the very thing that makes it unlikely to be true for me. If Jesus was a political rebel, he probably would have died abroad as many other Judean expatriates/refugees did, because it just wouldn't have been safe for him to stick around. If I was an archeologist looking for Jesus's tomb Indiana Jones-style, I would look for it in Egypt, specifically Alexandria which had a host of Jewish refugees (a population that would increase with the uprisings of the 70s and 120's), and has the advantage of being a place that Jesus and his family had been before. Another possibly is Gaul, where there were many resettled Benjaminites.