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Author Topic: Bob Oksner, R.I.P.  (Read 13218 times)
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Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2007, 03:26:39 AM »

Im very sad.. Oksner was one of my favourites artist,I love his job in 50s and 60s on characters like Jerry Lewis or Dobbie Gillis,and i love his girls too.The Oksner girls were like the young Connie Stevens,or Yvonne Craigh..pretties.
Osgood Peabody
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« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2007, 02:04:03 PM »

Thank you for the link. I really enjoyed your tribute, particularly the examples of his comic art. I see that thread has been placed in the "Vault," but does that mean it can no longer be added to? Although Bob has passed away, his art is most certainly a living subject, and I would love to see more examples and comments about it.

Do you have any plans to extend that thread/article?

Is the Showcase - Shazam Vol. 1 the best way to see the Oksner Mary Marvel work? (I'm assuming all his solo Mary Marvel stories are included?)

Yes - I believe all of Oksner's Mary Marvel tales are included in that showcase.

I had the moderator vault the thread because I was afraid it would time out and disappear into the ether.  I'd like to add to it some day, but I don't have too much of Bob's 70s and 80s work - he did a lot of Lois and Supergirl later on.  I could have them "unvault" it if anyone had some additional contributions they'd like to make.
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