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Author Topic: All-Star Superman #6  (Read 16519 times)
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Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2007, 07:22:00 PM »

I regard this as the best Superman book out currently.  Yes, it is a shame that it doesn't come out on a more regular basis.
It seems to be a mixture of the Silver Age Superman with new elements worked in.  And it works this way, too.  We will probably never get the Silver Age Superman back, but this is the next best thing.

Supermen of America
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« Reply #9 on: January 22, 2007, 01:35:19 AM »

I pretty much agree with everyone else, this is the best Superman (if not overall) comic book series in print right now.  It's fun, feels nostalgic, and yet, is completely unpredictable.  So far, every issue has left me wanting more, so few books do that nowadays.

Jimmy Olsen Fan Club
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« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2007, 10:07:33 AM »

Another fantastic installment in Morrison's "All-Star Superman" series.

The artwork was breathtaking, though confused me at times. I mistook "Calvin" for a young Lex Luthor (with hair) in the first panel in which he appeared. I then spent the next couple pages trying to predict what evil scheme Luthor had in mind (or how he would lose his hair this issue). I also thought the imp was Mxyzptlk at first, but that's not Quitely's fault since the character WAS a Fifth Dimensional imp after all. To my credit, I at no point thought the bandage faced Superman was Hush. Smiley

Quitely draws animals EXTREMELY well. See any shot of Krypto here or previous Morrison/Quitely collaboration, We3 (which I highly recommend) for further proof. The young Superman (I don't believe he was ever referred to as SuperBOY... legal reasons?) looked sufficiently different from the elder Superman, though his face on the very first page was a tad... off.

The story itself evoked memories of early Legion of Super-Heroes with a team of Supermen from the future standing in for the Legion. I assume this was deliberate, especially with the recruiting of Superboy in Smallville to help out with a future menace. Why not use the ACTUAL Legion? Maybe they want to keep the guest appearances to a minimum in this series. Maybe they're saving the Legion for their own All-Star series. Then again, maybe Morrison just couldn't resist revisiting his "DC One Million" work. Hey, that was a great story, so I don't mind. Just seems odd to use it in a seemingly continuity-free series (to be fair, you don't need to have read DC One Million). Morrison had already brought in Solaris, the Tyrant Sun, so I guess he had opened the door for more One Million elements to be used.

The stuff with Pa Kent was touching, but showed remarkable restraint. Morrison seemed more interested in wowing us with sci fi coolness than tugging at our heart strings. For that, he should be commended. He struck just the right balance, and overwhelming us with attempts to sadden the reader would have been kind of cheap in my opinion (also sort of lazy, but again that's just my opinion).

The reveal of bandage man as modern day Superman legitimately surprised me. It also retroactively gave his talk with Pa in the fields more meaning. See what I mean about Morrison not going for the cheap sob story moments? That was IMO the most touching (and saddest) moment in the book, but you don't even realize it until later. Good reason to read the book again!

The appearance of future Superman was also nice. Apparently Superman WON'T die from his current ailment. Whew! I was really worried about that. Wink  I also liked Superman asking him which one of his descendants he was. Heh.

So where's Krypto in modern day? Hopefully we'll see him at some point (though not TOO much.... imo Krypto works best in small doses). Oh yeah, how cool was that shot of Superman and Krypto sitting on the moon looking at the Earth?


PS: My first post! Smiley
Supermanica Council
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« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2007, 09:38:06 AM »

Hi Chris!  Welcome!

I agree --lots of great moments and some quite nice artistic touches.  This is only the second issue of a modern superhero comic I've bought in the last 12 months (the other being an earlier issue of All-Star that I didn't like half as much --even though Jimmy Olsen gets turned into a monster in it).  I like Morrison's One Million-verse (although Superman 1 Mil always appears as sort of a jerk in the stories I've read).  Great overtones of classic silver age stuff mixed with fresh new additions and patented Morrison weirdness.  I can't say why I broke down and bought this comic (boredom? desperation? nostalgia?) but I was pleased --it did what a kids comic should do.  Too bad the issue wasn't about $1 or $2 cheaper and packaged with 2 other stories.  And too bad another one isn't coming out 30 days after this one.  And too bad there isn't a whole publishing company devoted to making these kinds of comics.


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« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2007, 03:26:29 AM »

Speaking of Smallville, I hope Morrison revists Luthor's turn from boy genius to the world's greatest villain.

Many people want others to accept their opinions as fact. If enough people accept them as fact then it gives the initial person or persons a feeling of power. This is why people will constantly talk about something they hate—they want others to feel the same way. It matters to them that others perceive things the same way that they do.
Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2007, 05:46:48 PM »

Get out to your local store or shop and buy A-SS#6. Story and artwork are beautifully rendered. Everything just fell into place for me reading issue six. Superman is Superman again. Thank you Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, and Jamie Grant.

It's morning again in DC comics.
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