There's a great story where Superman becomes roomates with Jimmy Olsen and it is just what is described above --paparazzi, fans, stalkers, gawkers, people falling out of windows, villains attacking. Other stories where Superman takes on new i.d.'s after his old one is lost (or in preparation for "losing" Clark (without a hint of trauma) are quite fun.
Many alien enemies have no idea Superman needs to keep Clark separate since it is obvious to them (of course, all aliens have some form of Kryptonian detector, mass-spec analysis, etc) that Clark is Superman. Kobra was one villain who learned his i.d. but didn't do much about it after one try.
If Superman is blase about his Clark Kent identity, then what's the point? How many times (too many to count) did he go to great lengths to protect that identity? Any time someone got close to the truth, rather than twist himself into shapes to try to cover up, Kent could just disappear and Superman could create a whole new secret identity. Unless, of course, Superman really IS Clark Kent.
I prefer the reaction of Kent (to the probable loss of his secret identity) in the Superman TV show (George Reeves) when his costume is stolen, and is likely to lead criminals to his secret. He is almost in a panic and makes every effort to keep the secret identity intact. There was a hint of ruthlessness about Superman's conduct that I liked, ie. he was taking the matter VERY seriously.