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Author Topic: Great Superman "Backup Strips?"  (Read 17068 times)
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Super Monkey
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« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2006, 11:09:09 PM »

the Daily Planet back-ups were collected into a TPB with some iron age crap throw in for padding.

the Bizarro back ups were also collected

"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened."
- Elliot S! Maggin
Kurt Busiek
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« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2006, 02:27:57 AM »

Thanks for finding those references for me, Kurt! DC should reprint all of those old backups in trades, since they are obviously very fondly remembered. You got any clout in that department?

Nope.  And I don't think they're as fondly remembered among the general comics-buying populace as they are here, for obvious reasons.  For my part, I think the bulk of the Superman backup strips were bad -- there were a few good episodes of "Private Life of Clark Kent," but most of them are nothing to write home about.  And there were wretched wonders like "Bruce (Superman) Wayne," to boot.

Plus, if I had the clout to get 70s stuff reprinted (well, aside from the DCCP issues I just got reprinted in the upcoming BACK IN ACTION TPB), I wouldn't start with backups -- I'd go right to THE COMPLETE CARY BATES SUPERMAN, THE COMPLETE ELLIOT MAGGIN SUPERMAN and suchlike.

As Telle says, I too would have liked to see a "Daily Planet" strip in which Superman did not appear; as I've said before, I loved the bits in the old comics with the cast just standing around the office chatting, going to lunch, that sort of thing.

The closest you're likely to get to that is the Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane strips in SUPERMAN FAMILY after #200, when they were less about flashy adventure and more about newspaper reportage.  The Lois stories by Tamsyn O'Flynn and Bob Oksner are particularly enjoyable -- and even after SUPFAM ends, they continued in the back of THE DARING NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL.

Kurt Busiek
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« Reply #18 on: October 31, 2006, 02:30:47 AM »

Kurt... PLEASE... if you ever become a big old suit at DC... BRING BACK THE MULTIVERSE!!!  (please?)

I can confidently report that I will never be a big old suit at DC.

I'd be happy to see the multiverse again, mind you.  I just will never be in any position of power at DC.

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« Reply #19 on: November 01, 2006, 07:59:17 PM »

As far as those involving Superman I recently read an adventure of Bruce "Superman" Wayne that I rather liked because of the relationship between him and Barbara Gordon. 

As far as the back-ups that I didn't like, well, in all honesty I cannot STAND the adventures of Superbaby.  They bother me on a deep and emotional level not because of the cutesy nature to the stories but because of how "Superbaby" talks.

God, even in the freaking eighties he began each sentence with, "Me do this," or "Me do that."


"I now own well over 13,000 comic books.  Most people would call this a hobby.  I prefer to call it was it actually is; a hopeless addiction." -MRB
Super Monkey
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« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2006, 01:44:31 AM »

God, even in the freaking eighties he began each sentence with, "Me do this," or "Me do that."


Funny thing is, I have heard many little 2 year olds talk the same exact way.   

"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened."
- Elliot S! Maggin
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« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2006, 04:34:38 AM »

I was thinking that you could make a collection of "Private Life of Lex Luthor" using already existing Luthor stories but realized that there is already a Superman vs Lex Luthor collection (including the obligatory Iron Age stories --doesn't DC know that there is a contradiction in that policy, not least because the Crisis was supposed to make those stories non-existent).

Anyway, there are some great stories in there: The Einstein Connection, "How Luthor Lost his Hair", the Lexor saga, and one of 2 others.  I would also add the Luthor's Lair Story and the Lena Thorul stories.  Any others?


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Superman Emergency Squad
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This Ain't No Sippin' Tea

« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2006, 07:52:20 AM »

Funny thing is, I have heard many little 2 year olds talk the same exact way.

Really.  Wow.  That is odd.  I guess this is one of those cases where two people have two completely different life experiences.

Oh well.  Live and learn.

"I now own well over 13,000 comic books.  Most people would call this a hobby.  I prefer to call it was it actually is; a hopeless addiction." -MRB
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