Put me down as a Klein man all the way. Though Murph is a close second.
My disdain for Colletta is well documented in other threads here. Apparently he figured the key was to aim for quantity over quality, to put it nicely. Somewhat understandable, really, when you consider few old-timers could have imagined the average comic book would "live" longer than the one month it was released. Why make "art" that'll be out of circulation in a few week's time?
The ultimately irony is that because of Vinnie's mindset, and because it was so in sync with that of the guys in the suits (who only want to get product out, not make it good), Colletta ended up as DC's Art Director for a while. Talk about irony! :shock:
He's always come in for huge criticism on these boards. I also remember he used to get a hammering on the old DC message boards. I only know what I see when I look at a page. Does he get any credit for actually being a comics professional? Did he ever erase those pencil lines in the same spirit as an editor might trim away words from a script? Could the man
draw and was he just in a terrible hurry all the time? I'm having trouble believing a comics pro can be ALL bad.