Evening News for
Tuesday, Dec 23, 1975
Headline: Superman Creators
Abstract: (Studio) Report on 2 men with great invention.
REPORTER: Walter Cronkite
(New York) Artist Joe Shuster is 1/2 blind and lives in near poverty.
(Los Angeles, California) Jerry Siegel makes $7000 year as mail clerk. Siegel and Shuster invented Superman comic book series during the Depression. Film from National Periodical Publishing shown. They were paid $135 for their invention. They wrote and drew "Superman" for 9 years In 1947, they began court suits to win royalties back. They lost case and their jobs. [SHUSTER - says our American dream became an American tragedy.] Siegel and Shuster, both 61, will receive annual $20,000 pension, full medical care and provisions for relatives and their by-line restored by Warner Communications, new owner of "Superman."
Broadcast Type: Evening News Segment Type: News Content
Header Link 238274
Record Number: 238294
Begin Time: 05:55:10 pm
End Time: 05:57:30 pm
Duration: 02:20
Reporters: Cronkite, Walter; Lin, Sam Chu Evening News for
Friday, Feb 03, 1984
Headline: Space Shuttle
Abstract: (s) Successful launch of space shuttle Challenger today reported, shown. Crew's launch later of Western Union satellite and scheduled space walk without tethers noted. Martin Marietta animation shown. Planned test of manned maneuvering units (MMU) by astronauts Bruce McCandless and Bob Stewart examined. [STEWART - is excited.] `Buck Rogers' use of similar device recalled. [Superman creators Joe SHUSTER, Jerry SIEGEL - praise astronauts.] Wright Brothers recalled; historical aviation films shown, music of early-flight era played. Ed White's space walk in 1975 reviewed, shown. [Former astronaut Al WORDEN - describes experience.] Possible philosophical basis for human int. in flight considered.
REPORTER: Dan Rather
Broadcast Type: Evening News Segment Type: News Content
Header Link 295666
Record Number: 295683
Begin Time: 05:53:10 pm
End Time: 05:56:40 pm
Duration: 03:30
Reporters: Rather, Dan