Reading the John Broome/Gil Kane Green Lantern showcase, the thing that strikes me as the most interesting and distinctive thing about DC in this period is that there was a sort of science fiction, rationalist vibe about the entire way the universe works: GL helps in astronaut training and the army with experimental missile tests, and there are references to "bollides."
Many heroes have powers that work by magic, without consequence; the Flash wasn't like that. He had an explanation for why he wasn't harmed by friction, for instance.
Thus, a detail like Flash getting his powers from a "Heaven Helpmate, Tenth Class" is totally inappropriate for the Flash's fundamentally rational world, and while I wouldn't say his world is "grounded," because the Flash could get pretty out there sometimes, his context was nonetheless science fiction. Mopee maybe would work in something like a living acid trip like the Golden Age Captain Marvel. In other words, it just wasn't a FLASH story.
Mopee is now a poster child for bad ideas. He is largely forgotten, and those who remember loathe to consider him part of continuity. While other stories have enraged fans over the years (such as Emerald Twilight), Mopee's remains one of the most infamous.
You ain't kidding, Mike. I hate that little imp so much it's not even funny.
I've been going in frenzy to rationalize this entire story away somehow. Maybe the Trickster laced the Central City police water supply with LSD that day, and this absurd episode took place. The Flash, being a bow-tie wearing conservative that probably goes into bars to order milk, no doubt would be unable to recognize that he's under the influence, and would experience something this weird. Though there is a mental image there, of the Flash zipping about getting chemicals, mumbling about how he has to let the invisible elf give him his speed back.
Geez, Barry, you should BE so lucky, if this is the
least that you do under Lucy in the Sky. I knew a friend that took a sledgehammer and smashed a toilet because he said there were snakes coming out of it.
Actually, this explanation can work. Acid can make you menaced by Elves!
I'm just waiting for Mopee to be revealed as one of MY hallicinations, though.