've got to hand it to the Filipinos, they sure know how to throw in a big painted statue of Jesus in the middle of a superhero fight scene.
Highlights of this episode include cute Wonder Woman-type character, Darna, battling a giant in the middle of what I can only assume is downtown Manilla, who because of a green energy bolt from a baby's forehead, is tranformed into an alien space warrior, who uses death rays to destroy a city. Because this is the Phillippines, after all, people rush to take safety in a big Catholic church.
Oh, and it's got not only giants, but also mermaids with magical powers, too. Suh-weet!
Oh, and here's a brief, two minute cameo of a really, really big star in the Phillippines playing Darna in the recent CAPTAIN BARBELL film: since we're on the subject of insanely awesome things from foreign countries, here's the trailer for the greatest movie in the history of the medium, INFRA-MAN: