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Author Topic: Superman in the Silver Age  (Read 131555 times)
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King Krypton
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« Reply #104 on: February 25, 2005, 01:15:48 AM »

Quote from: "Osgood Peabody"
By way of bumping this thread, I thought I'd post this house ad I recently came across from Oct. 1958.  It sheds some new light on the dawn of Superman's "Silver Age".

This is the same month that editor Mort Weisinger starting running the "Metropolis Mailbag" letter columns in issues of Action and Superman.

It seems that this was part of a concerted effort on Mort's part to repackage the Man of Steel to a new generation of fans:

Would that DC has the good sense to do something like this for the current generation. This would be a great idea to reuse.

My first novella, Wounds of the Heart (, has been published. Check it out, if you like.
Osgood Peabody
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« Reply #105 on: June 23, 2006, 02:12:00 PM »

I thought I'd bump this thread in honor of this week's release of the Showcase presents Superman volume 2.  This volume contains Action #258-275 and Superman #134-145, so it includes the delightfully wacky "Super-Outlaw from Krypton" that I reviewed on pages 7-8 of this thread.  Now you can see it for yourselves, in all its glory!

Defender of Kandor
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« Reply #106 on: June 23, 2006, 03:50:19 PM »

This thread was started by our old pal Aldous.  It occured to me I haven't seen him in these parts for a while, so I checked his profile and saw his last post was in August of '05!   :shock:

Aldous, if you're out there, we miss you.

This looks like a job for...
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« Reply #107 on: July 01, 2006, 06:58:46 AM »

Gosh, nightwing -- you'll make me blush.

Thank you... I'm still around. I've looked in on the website (briefly) a couple of times since August last year. Just by chance I saw the Silver Age thread was still alive and kicking, so I had a quick look and saw your post.

Mr Peabody, I bought Volume 2 of Showcase Presents Superman today, so I will keep an eye out for "Super-Outlaw".
Klar Ken T5477
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Metropolis Prime, NYC, NY USA

« Reply #108 on: July 01, 2006, 11:27:52 AM »

Got mine as well and curently reeading it! Next Ill get the Siuperman Family JO Spectacular!
Council of Wisdom
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Silver Age Surfer

« Reply #109 on: July 01, 2006, 04:01:36 PM »

Wow, Aldous, nice to see you again!

I often use your discussions here and in the archived DCMBs to help me with Supermanica entries...

Cheers. S!
Lee Semmens
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« Reply #110 on: July 02, 2006, 12:42:50 PM »

Nice to hear from you again, Aldous.

I've missed your (and India Ink's and Osgood's) insights on these boards.

From the looks of your location it seems as though you're back in the land across the Tasman.
Superman Squad
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« Reply #111 on: July 08, 2006, 10:18:58 PM »

Thanks, MatterEaterLad. Glad to be of some help regarding the Supermanica. And thank you, Lee... Yes, I'm Downunder again.

Speaking of India Ink, where does he hang out these days? I haven't read anything new by him for a long time.

Quote from: "Osgood Peabody"
it includes the delightfully wacky "Super-Outlaw from Krypton" that I reviewed on pages 7-8 of this thread

I finally got to read it, and, yes, "wacky" is right. As you said on page 8 of this thread, the people of Kandor don't know about Supergirl, which is peculiar; even if just for Supergirl's sake, surely the bottle city would be the place most like her ol' hometown where she could go to chill out.

The Kull-Ex situation, being the first time the people of Kandor have seen or heard of Supergirl, would surely put Superman in an awkward position. "So, Kal-El, you have had this beautiful young cousin living on Earth with you all this time, but you've kept her existence a secret from all of us." I'd like to hear his reason. And was Supergirl ever as voluptuous as in this saga? You did say this was her first appearance in the "Superman" title -- so does this mean it's the first time Wayne Boring drew her?

She could use some super-training in tactics, however. Having identified the super-man as an imposter and a fiend, she immediately shows all her cards and tells him everything about herself and her relationship with Superman. She even blabs her plans for rescuing Superman. Nice one, Supergirl.

Of course, the most telling scene in the whole comic is when Superman is watching on the viewing screen as the Superman Museum is being closed, and he thinks: "Impersonating me, Kull-Ex has made the name of Superman hated everywhere! All my years of service to the world -- for nothing!" Oh really? Why don't you ask some of the people whose lives you saved. "For nothing"? It goes to show, as many Silver Age stories do, that Superman has always been more interested in personal glory than he lets on.
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