How was Superman (and DC) been able to survive during the Marvel Age? what was weisinger's reaction, his views to the change of sudden fan mood (coz usually from what I've heard, Mort would get plots from kids next door)
I'm sure since Marvel was really becoming huge.. superman readers were being reduced into a cult ministry kind of thing.. ever had any thought of this.
From all I've read, Mort, and DC in general, were in denial about Marvel's success. Having seen numerous companies come and go over the years while DC lumbered ever onward, the prevailing wisdom was that Marvel might enjoy a brief flash of popularity, but would ultimately fold.
The fact that DC actually *distributed* Marvel titles for the first few years proves they didn't consider them a huge threat. And from interviews I've seen with Neal Adams, Carmine Infantino, Roy Thomas and others I gather that DC practically had an editorial policy of self-imposed obsolesence.
I see things like the Schwartz-helmed revamp of Batman in 64, the appointment of Infantino to publisher and other developments as part of DC's effort to reinvent itself. Unfortunately this often took the form of aping Marvel rather than forging their own path. Doubly unfortunate since it's obvious the DC crowd didn't really understand the appeal of Marvel comics and so was only able to imitate certain attitudes and styles, but without the "sparkle" to make it really work.
I don't know that Superman was all that devastated by Marvel's rise at this point in time, at least not to the point of becoming a "for cultists only" title. I think he still appealed to the juvenile crowd even if Spidey and the Hulk were claiming college kids. But it was almost certainly a lie when DC ran that banner that said, "World's Best-Selling Comics Magazine!"
Unless they meant it in an historical sense.