Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
Posts: 262
« on: July 12, 2006, 08:41:28 PM » |
SPIDER-GIRL will be cancelled with issue #100, but don't be afraid! Don't miss THE AMAZING SPIDER-GIRL #1 in october, by the same creative team.
I'm an enemy of renumberings, but at least the long May Parker Jr. saga continues...
Are there any fans of Spider-Man's daughter? I love her series, an old fashioned, nice, funny comic book. While Jason Todd and Busky Barnes return, Scarlet goes mad again and Gwen Stacy's twins arrive, it's good to read a solid superhero book like SPIDER-GIRL. No hupe and stupid ideas, only STORIES. DeFalco is one of my favorite writer, it's a pity he has always been underrated by several readers.
 Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
Council of Wisdom
Posts: 1168
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 09:10:41 PM » |
I haven't been reading SPIDER-GIRL (to be honest, the character doesn't interest me at all) however, Tom DeFalco's MIGHTY THOR run in the mid-to-late 1990s was sort of a guilty pleasure of mine.
It featured Loki's mind in the body of the Destroyer Robot, the "Thor Corps" (and a return of Simonson's Beta Ray Bill, the alien Thor). Plus, it had Zarkorr: the Tomorrow Man, and anything that has Zarkorr the Tomorrow Man can't be that bad.
The thing I liked about the DeFalco MIGHTY THOR was that it didn't try to diminish Thor's mystique. The early part of the run featured Thor's supporting cast scrambling because the Thunder God had gone missing. Thor was missing - but everybody felt his loss. Suddenly, we started to see that Thor was irreplaceable.
"Wait, a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!" - Reporter, Champions #15 (1978)
Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
Posts: 262
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2006, 09:16:51 PM » |
That THOR run was a good tribute to the classic thunder god. I have some issues and I loved them! Eric Masterson was one of the best characters created at Marvel in the last 20 years.
P.S. That's Zarrko!
 Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
Uncle Mxy
Superman Squad
Posts: 809
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2006, 04:40:39 AM » |
Spider-Girl has grown on me. She's certainly a better read than non-Ultimate Spider-Man, that's for sure.
Superman Squad
Posts: 875
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2006, 07:36:01 AM » |
I've never read Spider-Girl because I assumed it was just an attempt to cash in on Spider-Man's fame. However, it's Thursday, which means I'm due for a trip to the comics shop, so maybe I'll give her a look. Thanks for the heads-up!
Between the revolution and the firing-squad, there is always time for a glass of champagne.
Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
Posts: 262
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2006, 08:17:34 AM » |
Some infos for you, Permanus!
Spider-Girl started as part of the MC2 project: series settled in another timeline where the Marvel Universe continues, but with new heroes. But don't expect for something grim like the 2099 line of comics: MC2 series were similar to classic comics from the '60s and '70s. Oh, I'm saying "were" because the whole line was cancelled for low sales. Only SPIDER-GIRL survived. The other titles were A-NEXT (the new generation of Avengers), FANTASTIC FIVE ('nuff said!), J2 (Juggernaut's son), WILD THING (Wolverine and Elektra's daughter). Plus, there is a miniseries, LAST HER STANDING, and the sequel is now on sale (LAST PLANET STANDING). All these series are written dy Titanic Tom DeFalco and drwan by Pat Olliffe, Ron Frenz, Paul Ryan and Ron Lim.
MC2 started in 1998 after the good success of a WHAT IF...?! issue (#105), where we learned that, in another timeline, May Parker (Peter's daughter) was still alive. When she was 16, she started to show powers very similar to her father's... and so, Spider-Girl was born!
May wears the costume from the clone days, and faces old villains from his father's past (Kaine, the female Octopus) and new ones. But the most important thing in this comic book is the private life of the characters. May, Peter, Mary Jane, the schoolmates... While in the regular Spider-books there isn't anything interesting about the cast, in SPIDER-GIRL everyone has something important to do or tell. They're "alive", in the comics world.
Of course I highly suggest this title, one of the few true "Marvel Comics" left.
 Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
Uncle Mxy
Superman Squad
Posts: 809
« Reply #6 on: July 15, 2006, 02:47:58 AM » |
Look for the manga-esque digest format collections... inexpensive and well-worth it. Spider-Girl has great characters and is a fine series. About the only thing I don't like about Spider-Girl is that it references the Clone Saga, though in an almost-bearable way.
Superman Squad
Posts: 875
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2006, 07:07:00 PM » |
Okay! Thanks for the explanation, Gennis! Despite my best intentions, I haven't checked this out yet because I've been decked out with hay fever.
Between the revolution and the firing-squad, there is always time for a glass of champagne.