To tell the truth, I'm not a big fan of Comet---the changes to Bill Biron giving way to uhhh, odd thoughts to say the least---but I always thougth a perfect ENDING for his saga would be for Wonder Woman to take him to an island near Paradise Island, and have the gods reverse Circe's spell. As the last of the centaurs, he would have fit in well with the whole Paradise Island mythology bit, and he would have fit in a lot better with her Greek myth viewpoint than chasing a blonde teenaged alien---
Aww, c'mon, Al! That was a beautiful story. Comet was in love with Supergirl, but he wasn't human and so never could express that or tell her or even, really, SAY anything to her.
As for your ending for Comet, I think that the "finale" to Biron's story if he ever gets one, should be one where he gets a happy ending and becomes fully human forever. This also is true of the Thing as well. Ben Grimm should be restored to normal and become human again; there was something slightly irritating about Mark Waid's FF showing the Thing still being a big Tang-colored rock decades in the future.
(This, I would argue, is not true for Cyborg in TEEN TITANS. His story is best served by him coming to grips with it all. It was a powerful moment when he said, "if people get hung up on how I look...that's their problem, not mine.")
As entertaining as I thought the George Perez WONDER WOMAN was, as consistent as his vision of the character was, I think comic books historically are best served not by actual mythology, but by this Kirby-esque, totally dysfunctional merger of acid-myth, where you have gods with ray guns fighting Rock Men from Saturn and Amazon women riding giant kangaroos.
The more MIGHTY THOR veered from actual Norse mythology, oddly enough, the better it got.