Julian, I don't know quite how to break this to you after such an admirable rant - the
Kryp and Tonn story was not written by ES!M but was in fact written by your favorite Superman writer...
Cary Bates!I know what you mean about other writers ignoring Maggin's ideas, though. Superwoman and Miracle Monday would both serve as examples of what you describe, except that they were
good ideas.
I like most everything else that Maggin
wrote in the 1980s too - especially
Sword of Superman and all the God tie-in stuff that he did. But to me most of his 1970s stories (with a few incredible exceptions) are pretty forgettable.

My mistake; I was going by memories of a cousin's comics collection here.
I was not aware this story was hosted on this site. And in a Roshomon-esque twist, it's VERY different than I remember it.
It really is unfortunate, however, that the concept of MIRACLE MONDAY was not explored further. Levitz or Tom Peyer could have done something with the idea in either Legion or in the 90s HOURMAN book, but chalk it up to another missed opportunity.
It also really says something that in CRISIS, when everybody and the Golden Age version of their brother shows up (heck, even Raven, who had disappeared as a result of events in TITANS, was MENTIONED and shown on a monitor screen) that Superwoman did not even so much as appear in the background. Superwoman, Ultraa the Multi-Alien, and Space Cabbie - all were left out of CRISIS; coincidence, or conspiracy? HMMMM....
The question only becomes WHEN the colonization took place and then what occurred afterward. I was always under the impression that the colonization took place in the deep past and not under the most friendly of circumstances Science fiction is full of stories with a similar theme. Advanced culture colonizes world, tragedy strikes, with no technological base to maintain the current standard....regression takes place (most famous example being Anne McCaffery's Pern Series). the amount of regression depending on the severity of the tragedy.
As to the lead vs Kryptonite....again, depends on when the colonization took place. Where the Daxamites alergic to lead at the time? Or was that something that developed later, after the Split?
All this is precisely why I think it was a lousy idea, no matter who came up with it (and the idea that it's my boyfriend Cary Bates that wrote this, well, it just
Bates didn't think it through. It didn't answer any questions, it just brought up more, and it clouded the waters of the Superman story.
If Bates had told a story where the inhabitants of Krypton, Daxam, Thoron, the Andromedan Race of Karb-Brak, New Genesis, etc. were all seeded from a single space race (possibly a task performed by the Guardians) now THIS would be an interesting idea and account for why these beings have similar powers and appearance - provided certain questions were answered, like for instance, why Daxamites have different weaknesses, and so forth. It would be a great idea, because it gives a connection between these diverse civilizations, and involve the Guardians in the Superman Mythos.
But Cary Bates didn't tell this story. It tore down previous assumptions about life on Krypton, but the thing is, it didn't replace it with anything.