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Author Topic: New Superman Editor  (Read 10489 times)
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Council of Wisdom
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« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2006, 08:47:20 AM »

After reading a preview of the OYL Superman story, I take back a lot of what I said about Busiek. He gets the character and my fears were unfounded. Is it too late to change my vote back to him again? Or maybe Alan Brennert; you know, I really can't choose! Can I vote for both of them?

On the topic of Superman novels, the observation of Orson Scott Card is an excellent one; it hadn't occurred to me about the similarities between him and Maggin that would make him perfect for Superman (and makes him perfect for a character like Iron Man, who is all about technology, its dark side, and its responsible use).

You know who else would write one heck of a Superman story? Lin Carter! He loves pop culture and adventure stories; an adventure written by him would have gadgets and gangsters, like a Max Fleischer cartoon in prose form.

"Wait, a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!"
       - Reporter, Champions #15 (1978)
Great Rao
Council of Wisdom
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« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2006, 04:49:45 PM »

You don't have to change your vote - this isn't the vote yet.  This is just nominating who gets on the ballot for the upcoming vote, which will be a later poll with one vote per member once this thread dies down.

As I said, any writer who is nominated by at least two people gets on the ballot.

So far we've got:

Alan Moore (2 nominations)
Mark Waid and Grant Morrison (1 each - or did you mean them as co-writers, Superman Forever?)
James Robinson (1)
Michael Chabon (1)
Alan Brennert (1)
Orson Scott Card (1)
Lin Carter (1)
and you, Julian, have also just nominated
Kurt Busiek (1)

3 for Elliot as editor, but that's a different vote...  I'm not sure if we should have an "editor" vote or not, since the whole idea of this thread is that you are the editor.  How about we change that - we'll make "you" be head honcho at DC, so now you can also pick the editor.  So, OK, we'll have 2 ballots:  Editor and writer.  

So far, only Alan Moore has made it to the Writer ballot and Elliot to the Editor ballot.

I'll step out on a limb here and say that any creator, Elliot included, is eligible to be on both ballots.

In fact, I'll nominate him:

Elliot S! Maggin (1)
and I'll also nominate
Dwayne McDuffie (1) since I thought "Icon" was a better job at Superman than the DC Superman books were back when Icon was being published.

There are two titles, Superman and Action, and people do seem to like that idea of writing teams - so perhaps we should have the top-2 vote getters be the two chosen writers.


"The bottom line involves choices.  Neither gods nor humans have ever stood calmly in a minefield forever.  Good or evil, they are bound to choose.  And when they do, you will see the truth of all that motivates us.  As a thinking being, you have the obligation to choose.  If the fate of all mankind were in your hands, what would your decision be?  As a writer and an artist, I've drawn my answer."   - Jack Kirby
Super Monkey
League of Supermen
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« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2006, 05:35:34 PM »

Alan Moore on Superman
Cary Bates on Action Comics
Grant Morrison could keep on doing his thing on All-Star Superman

"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened."
- Elliot S! Maggin
Klar Ken T5477
Council of Wisdom
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Metropolis Prime, NYC, NY USA

« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2006, 06:08:29 PM »

I second what Beppo said and make ES!M ED-in!-Chief.

And if Cary aint available, lets slide Kurt into that slot. :wink:

Of course if this were the Dead Writers Society.....Siegel, Hamilton, Binder & Dorfman.
Council of Wisdom
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« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2006, 07:47:46 PM »

Okay, here's Editor-Julian's choices:

Kurt Busiek on SUPERMAN

Alan Brennert on ACTION COMICS

Quote from: "Great Rao"
Dwayne McDuffie (1) since I thought "Icon" was a better job at Superman than the DC Superman books were back when Icon was being published.

"Being better than Superman in the 90s" is such a terrifyingly low standard, but I remember seeing those books on the stand and thinking, "wow, it's YOUNGBLOOD gone ethnic!" So, actually, it turns out it wasn't that bad, eh?

Though I love the idea of a girl sidekick named "Rocket."

"Wait, a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!"
       - Reporter, Champions #15 (1978)
Superman Forever
Superman Family
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« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2006, 06:30:41 AM »

Mark Waid and Grant Morrison, one each, not co-writers, and orson Scott Card.

About Alan Moore, he's the best writer in comics and he likes the Silver Age Superman, but i don't think he believes in Superman.
Genis Vell
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2006, 01:37:35 PM »

Roger Stern, because he deserves to write Superman again. He did a good job, but I'd like to see him again with HIS stories, not parts of a bigger story.

Administrator's note: discussion of Roger Stern's Superman has been split off here so we can keep this one about nominations for the upcoming ballot.

Captain Marvel - Italian Earth-Prime Superman'll be a job for Superman!
Council of Wisdom
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« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2006, 08:57:05 AM »

Here's a "Dark Horse" candidate for writing Superman: I nominate Al Schroeder III!

Everyone here has probably heard of Al's incredible story, of meeting his wife in the Julie Schwartz lettercolumns. However, what may not be commonly known is that Al Schroeder has an encyclopedaic knowledge of comic books; just visit his website and see all his theories on classic Superman and others. Al Schroeder is the last of the old school variety of fanboy that includes Phillip Jose Farmer, Kurt Busiek, and Roy Thomas: knowledgeable, creating interconnectivity where none previously existed, treating their characters as real.

But what you may not also know is that Al Schroeder also is not half-bad a writer (though not an artist; sorry, Al, but stick to the scripts); check out his webcomic to see a story that is intimately researched, unpredictable, with the spirit and imagination of the classic ages with the sensibility of the modern one.

Why is this man toiling in obscurity doing webcomics while a talentless boil on the behind of the comics industry like Keith Giffen still picks up work like James Bond picks up women?

Imagine Al Shroeder III's name on a comic book in the writer's box. It would be an uplifting, feel-good story, like those movies where a geeky High School girl gets to be prom queen.

Al, I wish you the best. You're one of us; if you make it, it's like we all make it, too.

"Wait, a startling new development, Black Goliath has ripped Stilt-Man's leg off, and appears to be beating him with it!"
       - Reporter, Champions #15 (1978)
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