You don't have to change your vote - this isn't the vote yet. This is just nominating who gets on the ballot for the upcoming vote, which will be a later poll with one vote per member once this thread dies down.
As I said, any writer who is nominated by at least two people gets on the ballot.
So far we've got:
Alan Moore (2 nominations)
Mark Waid and Grant Morrison (1 each - or did you mean them as co-writers, Superman Forever?)
James Robinson (1)
Michael Chabon (1)
Alan Brennert (1)
Orson Scott Card (1)
Lin Carter (1)
and you, Julian, have also just nominated
Kurt Busiek (1)
3 for Elliot as editor, but that's a different vote... I'm not sure if we should have an "editor" vote or not, since the whole idea of this thread is that
you are the editor. How about we change that - we'll make "you" be head honcho at DC, so now you can also pick the editor. So, OK, we'll have 2 ballots: Editor and writer.
So far, only Alan Moore has made it to the Writer ballot and Elliot to the Editor ballot.
I'll step out on a limb here and say that any creator, Elliot included, is eligible to be on both ballots.
In fact, I'll nominate him:
Elliot S! Maggin (1)
and I'll also nominate
Dwayne McDuffie (1) since I thought "Icon" was a better job at Superman than the DC Superman books were back when Icon was being published.
There are two titles,
Superman and
Action, and people do seem to like that idea of writing teams - so perhaps we should have the top-2 vote getters be the two chosen writers.