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Author Topic: superman action comics number 1!!  (Read 8663 times)
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« on: April 24, 2003, 03:28:08 AM »

hey igot a question i found this comic, im not gunna say were , but anyway i found this comic from someone who says it is an original action comics number 1 he doesnt know much about comics but its real real old, he says it smells like his grandpa lol and he will sell it to me for 150 bucks should i do it , i mean even if it is a really really old reprint it is worth at least that right?

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Super Monkey
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« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2003, 04:17:01 AM »

reprints are worth about less than $10.

There are a whole bunch of them right here :

"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened."
- Elliot S! Maggin
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« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2003, 12:27:05 PM »

I suggest you have someone who knows about comics to look at it to make sure you're not getting ripped off.
An original copy of Action Comics #1 is worth at least $160,000.

"Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?!" - General Zod (Superman II)
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Semper Vigilans

« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2003, 11:05:42 PM »

I don't know how many times Action #1 has been reprinted, but there are at least three I can tell you about if it helps:

- first, there was a reprint around the time of the 50th anniversary celebrations (1988) that looked just like the original, but was very, very thin.  This is because it only reprinted the Superman part of the book and not the other strips or the text pieces.  You should be able to spot this one at a will be thin with staples binding it, as opposed to the 1938 original, which was big (64 pages) and square-bound.

- second, there was the recent Millenium Editions reprint which, unless it's been tampered with, has a cover that makes it an obvious reprint (the words "millenium edition" and a gold-foil stamp, with the original cover art reproduced on a slant.

- third, AND MOST IMPORTANT, was the old "Famous First Editions" version put out by DC in the 70s.  This was a complete reprinting of Action #1, ads and all, done in the oversized, "tabloid" format.  For years and years, the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide has warned collectors about this book...some unsavory types have been known to remove the "cardboard"-like covers and trim the contents of the book to make a convincing facsimile of the 1938 original.  Many people have been taken in by this scam.  Look for any tell-tale signs of trimming on the edges and remember that this reprint is larger than even authentic Golden Age books (which are already taller and wider than modern ones).

Bottom line, trust your instincts.  While a neophyte may not know the true value of, say, Avengers #4, there isn't a person on Earth who doesn't know that Action #1 is the most important comic of all time.  Those little bells should be going off in your head right now.

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Semper Vigilans

« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2003, 11:06:52 PM »

I don't know how many times Action #1 has been reprinted, but there are at least three I can tell you about if it helps:

- first, there was a reprint around the time of the 50th anniversary celebrations (1988) that looked just like the original, but was very, very thin.  This is because it only reprinted the Superman part of the book and not the other strips or the text pieces.  You should be able to spot this one at a will be thin with staples binding it, as opposed to the 1938 original, which was big (64 pages) and square-bound.

- second, there was the recent Millenium Editions reprint which, unless it's been tampered with, has a cover that makes it an obvious reprint (the words "millenium edition" and a gold-foil stamp, with the original cover art reproduced on a slant.

- third, AND MOST IMPORTANT, was the old "Famous First Editions" version put out by DC in the 70s.  This was a complete reprinting of Action #1, ads and all, done in the oversized, "tabloid" format.  For years and years, the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide has warned collectors about this book...some unsavory types have been known to remove the "cardboard"-like covers and trim the contents of the book to make a convincing facsimile of the 1938 original.  Many people have been taken in by this scam.  Look for any tell-tale signs of trimming on the edges and remember that this reprint is larger than even authentic Golden Age books (which are already taller and wider than modern ones).

Bottom line, trust your instincts.  While a neophyte may not know the true value of, say, Avengers #4, there isn't a person on Earth who doesn't know that Action #1 is the most important comic of all time.  Those little bells should be going off in your head right now.

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Super Monkey
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« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2003, 12:25:20 AM »

There was yet another version that came with a special box set version of the Death of Superman TPB.

Here is the Millenium edition :

The oversize 70's version :

The Superman Fifty Years Anniversary Printing 1988 :

Yet another version from 1992, this is a prefect copy:

Ebay for suckers edition, check this out :

Action Comics #1 Rare Pristine Copy!
US $25.00   (reserve not yet met)
Buy It Now for US $450.00
This option disappears
once the reserve price is met.  

But read the fine print :
"This is a Action Comics #1 Superman reprint in Pristine condition!"

At least no one is stupid enough to bit. However this next ebay listing proves there are still suckers out there!

Action Comics #1 1st app Superman ESTATE FIND
Current bid  US $122.50   (reserve met)  

now read the fine print :

"Cover reads "Action Comics #1" and features the story showcasing the first appearance of Superman from June of 1938 and was originally priced at 10 cents. This particular version of the book is printed on a newspaper quality paper, is thirteen pages long (not counting the cover), and is in very good condition. "

This is the 1988 version, ROTFLMAO!!!!

"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened."
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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2003, 03:25:43 AM »

Hey, you forgot the Superman Peanut Butter edition!  That was the first version that I ever bought.

Also check out this ebay scam alert:

"It is not too far fetched to predict that some day our very own planet may be peopled entirely by SUPERMEN!"
- Jerry Siegel, Superman #1
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« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2003, 12:34:01 PM »

You also forgot the reprint distributed by the United States Postal Service in 1998 that came with a cancelled Superman stamp. Smiley

"Is there no one on this planet to even challenge me?!" - General Zod (Superman II)
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