Super Monkey
League of Supermen
Posts: 3435
« on: February 14, 2006, 02:55:02 PM » |
SHOWCASE PRESENTS: SUPERMAN VOL. 2Written by Jerry Coleman, Bill Finger and Otto Binder; Art by Curt Swan, Wayne Boring, Al Plastino and Kurt Schaffenberger; Cover by Swan and George Klein The second Showcase spotlighting the Silver Age exploits of Superman features ACTION COMICS #258-275 and SUPERMAN #134-145! The Man of Steel faces off against a wide array of threats, from the impish Mr. Mxyzptlk to the deadly alien Brainiac to the utterly incomprehensible Bizarro. DC Universe | 576pg. | B&W | Softcover | $16.99 US On Sale June 14, 2006 Cover Art:
"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened." - Elliot S! Maggin
Super Monkey
League of Supermen
Posts: 3435
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2006, 09:15:34 PM » |
the first one wasn't worth 9.99 US. It's worth a lot more, but it had an introductory price of $9.95 That was always going to be a limited time deal.
"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened." - Elliot S! Maggin
Council of Wisdom
Posts: 1389
Silver Age Surfer
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2006, 09:38:35 PM » |
What can you get for $9.95 these days, a large sub at Quiznos? 
Continental Op
Superman Family
Posts: 150
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2006, 02:55:11 AM » |
Really looking forward to the second volume!
The first one was fine, but it was still clinging to the "let's be like the 1950s television series" concepts, and being a little too conventional in many of the stories. In the second volume Weisinger really starts to turn the knobs up to 11 and we see the explosive expansion of concepts we usually associate with the term "Silver Age". Stuff you could only do in comics!
More stories with Curt Swan art, the introduction of Bizarro World and their "backwards" behavior, more super-villain appearances, Red Kryptonite, the return of seeming one-shot characters like Lori Lemaris and Titano to become regulars, the classic "Super-Menace" story... and "the Night of March 31st!"
Great Moons of Krypton, this should be fun!
Super Monkey
League of Supermen
Posts: 3435
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2006, 03:14:43 AM » |
Let's take a look at the Action Comics stories that could be included, I don't know if they will only include the Superman stories or the Supergirl stories as well, so I will list them both.
Action Comics #258
The Menace of the Cosmic Man Bill Finger (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
Supergirl's Farewell to Earth Otto Binder (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #259
The Revenge of Luthor Jerry Siegel (Script), Al Plastino (Pencils), Al Plastino (Inks),
The Cave-Girl of Steel Otto Binder (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #260
Mighty Maid Al Plastino (Pencils), Al Plastino (Inks),
The Girl Superbaby Otto Binder (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #261
Superman's Fortress of Solitude Jerry Siegel (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
Supergirl's Super-Pet Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks), Streaky the Supercat (intro); X-Kryptonite (intro)
Action Comics #262
When Superman Lost His Powers Robert Bernstein (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
Supergirl's Greatest Victory Otto Binder (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #263
The World of Bizarros Otto Binder (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
Supergirl's Darkest Day Otto Binder (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
to be Cont...
"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened." - Elliot S! Maggin
Super Monkey
League of Supermen
Posts: 3435
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2006, 03:21:57 AM » |
Action Comics #264
The Superman Bizarro Otto Binder (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks), Bizarro World (Intro)
Supergirl Gets Adopted Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #265
The Superman from Outer Space Otto Binder (Script), Curt Swan (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
The Day Supergirl Revealed Herself Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #266
Captive of the Amazons Jerry Siegel (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
The World's Mightiest Cat Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #267
Hercules in the 20th Century Otto Binder (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
The Three Super-Heroes Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks), Joe Letterese (Letters). Supergirl invited to 30th Century to join Legion; rejected Chameleon Boy (1st), Colossal Boy (1st), Invisible Kid (1st)
Action Comics #268
Superman's Battle With Hercules! Otto Binder (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
The Mystery Supergirl! Otto Binder; Jerry Siegel (also claims credit) (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks), five fake Supergirls
to be Cont...
"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened." - Elliot S! Maggin
Super Monkey
League of Supermen
Posts: 3435
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2006, 03:31:52 AM » |
Action Comics #269
The Truth Mirror! Jerry Siegel (Script), Curt Swan (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
Supergirl's First Romance! Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks), Jerro the Merboy (intro)
Action Comics #270
The Old Man of Metropolis! Otto Binder (Script), Curt Swan (Pencils), John Forte (Inks),
Supergirl's Busiest Day! Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #271
Voyage to Dimension X! Otto Binder (Script), Al Plastino (Pencils), Al Plastino (Inks),
Supergirl's Fortress of Solitude! Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #272
Superman's Rival, Mental Man! Jerry Siegel (Script), Curt Swan (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
The Second Supergirl! Otto Binder (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks), Marvel Maid (origin); Marvel Man (origin); Fortress of Marvels
Action Comics #273
The World of Mr. Mxyzptlk Jerry Siegel (Script), Al Plastino (Pencils), Al Plastino (Inks),
The Supergirl of Two Worlds! Otto Binder (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks), Story continued from Action Comics #272
Action Comics #274
The Reversed Super-Powers! Jerry Siegel (Script), Kurt Schaffenberger (Pencils), Kurt Schaffenberger (Inks), Lois Lane (as Superwoman); Superman Robot Z
Supergirl's Three Time Trips! Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks),
Action Comics #275
The Menace of Red-Green Kryptonite! Jerry Coleman (Script), Wayne Boring (Pencils), Stan Kaye (Inks),
Ma and Pa Kent Adopt Supergirl! Jerry Siegel (Script), Jim Mooney (Pencils), Jim Mooney (Inks), Squawky the Super-Parrot (1st)
"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened." - Elliot S! Maggin
Continental Op
Superman Family
Posts: 150
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2006, 03:37:45 AM » |
The Supergirl solo stories are supposed to be appearing instead in future volumes of SHOWCASE PRESENTS SUPERMAN FAMILY, sharing them with JIMMY OLSEN and LOIS LANE stories.
And, umm... SQUAWKY THE SUPER-PARROT??? Geez, I can't miss that one for sure!