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Author Topic: "TELL THE TRUTH!"  (Read 11831 times)
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Superman Fan
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« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2003, 10:29:25 AM »

Quote from: "lastkryptonianhere"
I always have felt that Elliott S! Maggin was the best Superman writer.  
That is when DC started thinking Carlin knew more about Superman than Maggin.  I personally wish he could come back and write a Superman series for a year or so and show just how great a writer he still is.

you are a very very smart person and i agree with you fully!!

I Fight For Truth Justice And The American Way
Superman Forever
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« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2003, 03:31:03 PM »

It seems to me that Carlin was just upset because he went behind his back.

I think Carlin got upset like that a lot.  Mark Waid also used to be an editor at DC Comics, but then he let Kara Zor-El make an appearance in a post-crisis Christmas special.  (It was a fantastic appearance in a great story, and as far as I know it's the only post-crisis Kara appearance other than the recent Peter David story.)  

What special  was that?
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... and who, disguised as...

« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2003, 04:51:03 PM »

Quote from: "Superman Forever"
What special  was that?

1989's Christmas with the Super Heroes #2:

"We don't do it for the glory. We don't do it for the recognition... We do it because it needs to be done. Because, if we don't, no one else will. And we do it even if no one knows what we've done. Even if no one knows we exist. Even if no one remembers we ever existed."

"I... I don't even know your name..."

"My name is Kara. Though I doubt that'll mean anything to you."

"Merry Christmas, Kara. Whoever you are."

Dedicated to Otto Binder and Jim Mooney. We still remember.

"It is not too far fetched to predict that some day our very own planet may be peopled entirely by SUPERMEN!"
- Jerry Siegel, Superman #1
Super Monkey
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« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2003, 10:59:02 PM »


As good as these stories are, the gem of the issue is the last one, a Deadman story titled, "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot" written by Alan Brennert with art by Dick Giordano. It's a poignant tale, as Deadman inhabits other bodies to send presents to friends he can't bring himself to visit. He decides to experience the holiday through a young man's eyes (and body), until he realizes he is stealing his host's Christmas.

Deadman flees, angry and full of self-loathing, until a lovely, blond woman starts talking to him. Since Deadman can't ordinarily be seen by humans, he tries to find out who she is. She turns the conversation around and asks if the reason he is angry is that no one knows what he has done on their behalf. She then removes Deadman's mask to speak to the man behind it, Boston Brand.

She tells him, "We don't do it for the glory. We don't do it for the recognition. We do it because it needs to be done. Because if we don't, no one else will. And we do it even if no one knows what we've done. Even if no one knows we exist. Even if no one remembers that we ever existed."

Boston apologizes for how he has acted and the woman tells him not to because, "you're only human. You are still human, Boston. Don't be ashamed of it. Rejoice in it. Because it means your spirit -- as flawed or selfish as our spirits can sometimes be -- is still alive." As she turns to leave, Boston asks her name. She tells him and says, "though I doubt that'll mean anything to you." Boston replies, "Merry Christmas, Kara. Whoever you are." The story is dedicated to Supergirl scribes, Otto Binder and Jim Mooney, with the inscription, "We still remember".

I found it on ebay here

"I loved Super-Monkey; always wanted to do something with him but it never happened."
- Elliot S! Maggin
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