BYOO-sik. Rhymes with "You sick."
Methinks I'm not the only one who spent some miserable afternoons on a grade school playground. :lol:
Uh, the kids in grade school didn't use that one; it's merely to demonstrate pronunciation.
However, entering first grade hte year Star Trek went on the air got me "Captain Kurt," living near a large car dealership called "Smyly Buick" got me "Smiley Busiek," and growing up while Johnny Bucyk was a Boston Bruin got me a lot of "Any relation to the hockey player?"
To which my standard response was "You mean my uncle Derek?" [The reference being to fellow Bruin Derek Sanderson.]
I didn't get my name made fun of much, though. Not like the babysitter we had for a while, Kent Clarke, who was partial inspiration for SUPERMAN: SECRET IDENTITY.
There was one kid, Ted Dewan, who didn't like me much and called me "Dirt" Busiek. I called him "The Activated Turd." "Doo-On," you see.
Years later, we met up and discovered that each of us felt the other guy's insult worked better, and we therefore seethed with jealousy. I thought "Dirt" was so simple, and mine was too much of a reach; he thought "Activated Turd" was clever, and his was just stupid.
Ah, youth -- !
Ted is now living in London and an award-winning children's book illustrator. We've read one of his books to our kids many times.