"Stupid Monkey!" This series of thread are supposed to be overgeneralized, highly opinionated rants, and are designated as such! And then you had to go and take it all seriously.....
Well, if it's data that you want, try this on for size...
A forum search for the word "hate" returns nearly 180 results. Sourpusses on this forum hate nearly everything! Examples include:
"hell, I hate living in Italy."
-falck44, hater of Italy.
"I spend money on comics I hate! I will never forgive Ultimate Avengers for their stupid Bush-era francophobia, but for some reason I still pick it up."
- Permanus, hater of comics that he buys anyway.
"I hate to criticize such an obviously worthwhile project that all involved seem (deservedly) passionate about, but the newly-drawn, color-ized version of that panel eliminates all of the charm and storytelling power of the original."
- TELLE, hater of K-Metal.
"I hate the "Lex Luthor, businessman..."
-Permanus, hater of fine coats and ties.
"Boy, do I hate decompressed storytelling."
- Super Monkey, hater of Superman: Birthright.
"Oh how I hate truth, justice, and the American way. Viva la communista!"
- Great Rao, hater of America.*
"Rao said what? I ought to punch him in the nose..."
- Kurt Busiek*
So, as you can see from this example, Superman Through the Ages users hate a great number of positive, uplifting things. And that's not all...Superman Through the Ages users hate FREEDOM! (I will present evidence for this outrageous claim later...)
*denotes posts that were completely made up