Paul Dini? Now that is awesome. It's been a wild week for Batman, to be sure. I just heard Neal Adams has signed on to draw a bat-book for the first time since the Nixon Administration!
Unfortunately it's "All Star Batman" with Frank Miller writing. And if I was already on the fence about Neal given his annoying political screeds lately, teaming him with Miller is really pushing me to the "don't buy" camp.
Neal Adams on Batman? And me not sure I want to support it? The 21st Century's turning out to be a strange new world, indeed. Now, if it had been Dini and Adams together, you really would have needed that defibrilator.
I really have to wonder exactly what it was that Neal Adams said about politics that sounded nuttier than all his "amateur geology" theories.
Neal Adams assigned to a regular title? Alriiight! He's had on his website some grand old ideas for a Batman costume redesign which would be interesting to see in play. Although I'm still not picking up the title because Frank Miller is terrible (and kind of always has been; remember that blind guy from DAREDEVIL that taught him not to use his Radar Sense?
Like Michael Jackson, I'm well aware that Neal Adams is an eccentric weirdo. I can tolerate the hyperbaric chamber and pet chimp as long as the work produced is great (although in Michael's case, it sure stopped being so circa
Shout). As long as Neal keeps on drawing the way he did his power packed AVENGERS covers, he can talk about Seafloor Spreading all day and night.