4, this is most important, clark is sent to earth to conquer it, i dont know if this is a difference, as im not far in superman at all, and maybe later we find out he actually was
Canon Superman was sent to Earth when Krypton exploded, for no particular purpose other than allowing him to survive.
5 and last i have noticed,(this is actually a difference 2 the adventures of lois and clark, an maybe applies to smallville later on) jonathan and martha die in the comic, whilst they r actually still alive in lois and clark(and maybe later in smallville)
It depends on which version of the comic you read. In the pre-Byrne versions, which are generally preferred by most people on this site, the Kents are dead by the time he becomes Superman, but in the Byrne revamp they are still alive.
Smallville seems to be very loosely based on the Byrne version.
And please, the word is "are", not "r". Unless you are paying for your Internet connection by the byte, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to communicate using actual words.