Okay, I'm groaning here.
That last one would nake a pretty good comic book story.
sounds good to me. Lex woul d probabllly be named man of the year.
Did you hear about the time Supermans archenemy went on vacation in Las Vegas?
He stayed at " the Lex Luxor hotel".
Then he bought some rare WW2 german guns at a gun show. What kind?
Why a "Lex Luger" of course.
Later he designed a super fast vehicle for the Metropolis Winter Olympics, which he called what? The Lex Luger. ( you know the Luge sled )
Then he went home , but forgot his keys to the castle, so of course Lex had to climb in through the Lex Louvre glass door.
Finally he built a time machine and went back to old Germany and nailed the 95 theses to a church door. Way to go Lex Luther.