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Author Topic: If you were a real Lex Luthor, what would you do?  (Read 9692 times)
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Great Rao
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« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2005, 09:54:56 PM »

Quote from: "Super Monkey"
Quote from: "llozymandias"
How about the goodwill Lex would get by preventing all natural disasters? :wink:   And the public gratitude.  He would have all humanity feeling indebted to him.  Imagine he does that & cures at least the 10-30 worst diseases.  Heck he even cures "old age".

everything but male balding  :cry:

He could probably cure it if he really wanted to.


"The bottom line involves choices.  Neither gods nor humans have ever stood calmly in a minefield forever.  Good or evil, they are bound to choose.  And when they do, you will see the truth of all that motivates us.  As a thinking being, you have the obligation to choose.  If the fate of all mankind were in your hands, what would your decision be?  As a writer and an artist, I've drawn my answer."   - Jack Kirby
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2005, 11:39:26 PM »

In the imaginary story about Superman Red & Superman Blue, Lex finds a way to eliminate all disease from the earth.  He pours his creation down the sink in his prison cell.  I believe his creation was a form of self-replicating nanite.  Baldness was one of the many many things it cured.

       Back to my original topic.  Imagine that you had the super-intellect of the pre-crisis Earth-1 silver-age Lex Luthor, "more intelligent than an army of Einsteins".  You can create/invent just about anything that you can imagine.  Otherwise, you are still the same person you are now.  What would you in this real world do?

John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2005, 09:56:08 PM »

In the real world what would I do?

I'd make a brainwave direction detector and tune it in on Osama Bin L.
Than I'd suit up in my super green and purple flying armor. I would track him down and tie him up so he dangled from the flagpole of the United nations flagpole in NYC than I would make sure he stood trial for his crimes.

I'd make a giant underwater vegetable and fruit farm  in the Atlantic tended and picked by cyborg dolphins and feed all the hungry of the world.

I'd build a bubble city on the Moon in the sea of Tranquility near where the apollo 11 landed and make a complete self sustaining city, than I'd build spaceships to allow anybody who wanted to to go to the moon to colonize it for free.

I'd send a drone rocket into orbit of earth to spray a mist of chemical compounds which would render harmless all cocaine and heroin and poppy products and plants  (every plant in the world) and thus start to win the war on drugs

Remember : wherever you go , there you are.
Last Son of Krypton
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« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2005, 10:07:58 PM »

Actually there is enough food to feed everyone on earth.  It's politics & economics that cause mass starvation.  Dictators like Mugabe who sabotage their own countries food production.  In order to stay in power.  Zimbabwe (sp?) used to be a food exporter.  Now they seem to be losing the ability to feed themselves.  And there is Sudan that has used food as a weapon.   Remember Gerard K. O'Niell?  One of his ideas was to build artificial space habitats.  Using the resources of the moon, & asteroid belt.  Those habitats would be immense hollow cylinders.  Spin them to get the desired gravity.  It occurs to me that they would make the perfect super-mega-farms.  No pesticides, herbacides, or other poisons would be needed.  The space-farms would be completely automated.  

       here are my latest thoughts on what i would do if i were a super-genius:

         1.)  Build the biggest personal fortune this earth has ever seen.  As well as the biggest corporate empire.

         2.)  Provide humanity with nigh-infinite sources of energy, that are also almost free.  

         3.)  Find ways to prevent all natural disasters from happening.  Find cures for most (if not all) disease & disability.  That would include curing old age.

         4.)  Devise a way to quickly terraform other planets.  Once it's determined they don't already have life of some kind.

         5.)  Invent a ftl/warp drive capable of billions of lightyears in less than one earth year.  

         6.)  Create space habitats.  If possible outfit some with ftl/warp drive.  Send them to other star systems.  Each habitat would orbit the planet it's there to colonize.

         7.)  Create working time machines & interdimensional travel vehicles.

        If there were a real-life Lex Luthor who did all that, how would everyone react to that?  How would you react?

John Martin, citizen of the omniverse.
Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #12 on: December 23, 2005, 08:20:58 AM »

sounds good to me.  Lex woul d probabllly be named man of the year.

Did you hear about the time Supermans archenemy went on vacation in Las Vegas?    
He stayed at " the Lex Luxor hotel".

Then he bought some rare WW2 german guns at a gun show. What kind?
Why a "Lex Luger" of course.

Later he designed a super fast vehicle for the Metropolis Winter Olympics, which he called what?  The Lex Luger. ( you know the Luge sled )

 Then he went home , but forgot his keys to the castle, so of course Lex had to climb in through the Lex Louvre glass door.

Finally he built a time machine and went back to old Germany and nailed the 95 theses to a church door. Way to go Lex Luther.

Remember : wherever you go , there you are.
Supermanica Council
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« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2005, 02:03:17 AM »

Okay, I'm groaning here.   Cheesy
That last one would nake a pretty good comic book story.

Quote from: "Psybertrack"
sounds good to me.  Lex woul d probabllly be named man of the year.

Did you hear about the time Supermans archenemy went on vacation in Las Vegas?    
He stayed at " the Lex Luxor hotel".

Then he bought some rare WW2 german guns at a gun show. What kind?
Why a "Lex Luger" of course.

Later he designed a super fast vehicle for the Metropolis Winter Olympics, which he called what?  The Lex Luger. ( you know the Luge sled )

 Then he went home , but forgot his keys to the castle, so of course Lex had to climb in through the Lex Louvre glass door.

Finally he built a time machine and went back to old Germany and nailed the 95 theses to a church door. Way to go Lex Luther.

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