Matter Eater Lad writes:For some reason the pre "new look Batman" intrigued me in a weird way, I liked the artwork and the travel, even time travel, that was so different than Supes...
Funny you should say that. I thought I was alone in rating "travel" an important part of Batman's appeal. I loved that he wasn't limited to Gotham, but might in any given issue find himself in London, Paris, Antartica, South America, you name it. This continued as late as the O'Neil/Adams era when Batman would chase Ra's Al Ghul all over the world in James Bond fashion.
I *hate* that the Burton films focused so exclusively on Gotham and I think it limited them greatly (the new "Begins" has a much more epic feel thanks to the travel aspect). Similarly, one reason the current comics turn me off is that they're so Gotham-bound, apparently to reinforce the image of Bruce as an obsessed crank with blinders on.
so if I was collecting, I'd go for the "armored batman", the "Bat Hombre", the "Flying Batman" in their original issues that I read later in 80 page Giants...
Hmm, I was just thinking about scanning "Bat-Hombre" the other day to put on BTTA. Not much point now! :oops:
Klar Ken T5477 writes:Does Nightwing maintain a Batpage? Mostly bronze IIRC
I elected to focus on the Bronze Age so as not to duplicate the mission of BTTA, but since that's no longer an issue, maybe I'll re-tool the site over the holiday. I've got a lot of Sprang, Infantino, Adam West, etc stuff I could include and anyway, the "Bronze" format was a lot more limiting than I anticipated.
I just hate giving up the site name for those who get the gag: "I Was A Bronze Age Batfan!"