Edmund Hamilton is one of the finest writers to have written Superman. He has made many wondrous contributions to the Super-Mythos to the point where it is hard to have imagined Superman without him.
Like many writers in comics at the time, Edmund Hamilton was also a science fiction writer for many science fiction and pulp magazines. This is not uncommon; Julius Schwartz was an agent for science fiction writers, and possibly the greatest writer of the entire Silver Age, Gardner F. Fox, sold many action science fiction stories to magazines like ASTOUNDING and PLANET.
At the Miami Book Fair this weekend, I was able to buy the Spring 1951 issue of SCIENCE-ADVENTURE BOOKS, which featured a story by Edmund Hamilton called "The Star Kings", and another by Arthur C. Clarke ("Seeker of the Sphinx").
AVENGERS #0 (1999), written by Kurt Busiek, features mention of a popular television show in Marvel-Earth, STAR KINGS. STAR KINGS was clearly meant to be a Star Trek equivalent (odd, considering how STAR TREK is ALSO present on Marvel Earth - Hawkeye calls Namor "Spock Ears.")
Is this brief throwaway mention of "Star Kings" an homage to one of comics and science fiction's top minds? One might say that there probably have been three or four "Star Kings" in science fiction history. But if I were a gambling man, I'd bet it's a reference. Kurt Busiek and George Perez are geeky enough to know about Edmund Hamilton's scientifiction.