There are a few people on this forum who use their AOL email address for their forum acount.
It turns out that AOL is now blocking all email from the "Superman Through the Ages!" webserver, so none of you are receiving your account activation emails, your topic-reply notifications, your "private message" alerts, or the results of your requests for your password.
They are all bouncing back and including this URL part of their error message. AOL thinks that this server is a source of spam so is blocking emails from it.
I've followed the instructions on that page and filled out the forms to get on AOL's "whitelist," but I haven't heard back from them and I'm not going to spend too much more of my time jumping through their hoops and trying to get a reasonable response from a huge mindless corporation.
In the meantime, if you want to get full use out of this forum, you should enter another email address - a non-AOL one.