Agreed re: stupid things appearing in canon over the years not ruling the Radio Shack story out -- if it's well-written.
That's my problem with it. It requires too much suspension of disbelief for me. Superman's been shown to be superior to the best Earth mainframe computers throughout his incarnations. I cannot accept that the lowly TRS-80 is his equal. In that, I don't consider it well-written.
Billy Anders with his pet lynx (believe it or not, I did not get that 'lynx = links' pun when I first read that) made more sense and it still was hokey having Superman rely on a kid to store his super-strength like that. At least that didn't violate any known real world principles since they could make that up from whole cloth.
The TRS-80 and PCs in general are very well-known to be the lower end of computer processing power, not even including the obsolescence of time. It just doesn't track.
I'm not forcing anyone to agree with me. Just don't expect me to agree on this without a really darn good reason.
Yeah, I see your point, Captain Kal. For some reason, I got the idea in my head that an eighties computer's calculating power was pretty impressive.
Then again, there's nothing in this story that shows that Superman's brain IS as powerful as the TRS-80, just lots of kids saying that this is the case. Dialogue is not the same as comparison. For instance, in LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES, it has been established in dialogue over and over that Mon-El is mightier than Superboy because he is several years older and taller, however I have difficulty pointing to a moment where such a statement is PROVED (and do I
ever want to find a moment like that; would hush up those "Superboy can beat Mon-El" crumbs in the other forum but good!
) .
The fact Superman is able to calculate numbers as fast as a computer does not mean that his brain is as powerful as a low-end computer from 1980.
However, there are some occasions of so-called Stone Age computers being valuable to mankind, why if John Titor is to be believed, at least one, the IBM 5100 is the most important computer in the history of civilization!