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Author Topic: Superman's Gravity powers and time  (Read 8632 times)
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Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2005, 08:33:40 PM »

Quote from: "RedSunOfKrypton"
He's not psychic at all according to Waid and I actually find that explanation a bit of a cop out. Trying to find the how's of real science with him is where I have fun with the character.

Agreed. If  you say his powers are psychic, you might as well say they're magic. The fun is trying to figure out a mechanism....
   When I was in high school, though, I became the world's expert on why high-gravity red-sunned worlds would NOT breed Supermen, but squat albino dwarves who would get horrible sunburn at the first hint of UV in our sunlight. *Grin*---Al

Al Schroeder III, former letterhack (met his wife through Julie Schwartz' lettercolumns) of MINDMISTRESS the superhero genre is mined out? Think there are no new superhero ideas?

Think again.
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« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2005, 12:48:17 AM »

It is interesting that superman jumped before he could fly as an adult in the comics. Like the Hulk he jumped!
In real life you couldn't fly on just muscles. so much for science.
your leg muscles don't have wings on them do they?
I think the god-asgardian-kryptonian explanaton might apply. An alien race with different organs to explain their powers. thor is tuff because his body matter is super dense and he is very heavy too.
Maybe supes has an organ that generates a force field to protect him.

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« Reply #10 on: December 20, 2005, 09:57:50 PM »

I don't have a problem with SOME of Superman's powers being psychic in nature, but the majority of them should be physical. Of course, that's just my own opinion.

Many people want others to accept their opinions as fact. If enough people accept them as fact then it gives the initial person or persons a feeling of power. This is why people will constantly talk about something they hate—they want others to feel the same way. It matters to them that others perceive things the same way that they do.
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« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2005, 02:21:41 PM »

Quote from: "alschroeder"
high-gravity red-sunned worlds would NOT breed Supermen, but squat albino dwarves who would get horrible sunburn at the first hint of UV in our sunlight. *Grin*---Al

Maybe Superman IS a squat albino dwarf but he uses mass-hypnosis to make us think otherwise.

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Superman Emergency Squad
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« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2005, 11:29:59 PM »

Well somebody said if you say he's psychic you might as well say its magic.

Isn't that what science fantasty type fiction is? Magic explained by science sort of?

I didn't mean psychic like Kreskin or Merlin.  I meant like an underlying organ or part of Superman's brain operates like a generator to produce a kind of energy unknown to modern science. A psionic energy. If this psionic plane underlies the physical universe than  perhaps Superman could perform psionic feats like super lifting of heavy objects, without his conciously knowing its a product of his mind.

Superman is an alien. His dna is different and he is different from normal human beings.  As an alien who can breath our atmosphere , yet survive various hostile environments he is unusual for an alien.  

Adrenaline may play a factor to explain his super speed.

Also, he's called the Man of Tomorrow.
I think Superman and Kryptonians in general could be explained in terms of science as highly evolved humans.  They have evolved strong muscles to withstand strong gravity. Survival of the fittest eliminated those people with weak muscles from the gene pool.  Perhaps some cause and effect can be guessed at which would causse the kryptonians to evolve each of the powers.   Misty clouds might recquire better visoion. They might evolve good vision.   For instance why does a chicken have inferior vision to a bald eagle? Darwinists suppose its because the eagle had to hunt for small game from extremely high distances and so needed the better vision.
Why does a kangaroo jump farther than a dog?  similar explanation if one believes in natural selection and evolution.
The yellow sun radiation may have magnified and added to the mutation and perhaps Superman is also a mutant.  The mutation being not just good vision but telescopic vision. Not just jumping but flying or gravity control.   I know if he evolved his powers he would probably look more like flying feather winged, fire breathing humanoid than anything else.
But than Lois wouldn't fall in love with a thing like that...unless she was like Alicia Masters (The girlfriend of the Fantastic Four's Thing)

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