Superman's tactile telekinesis seems to come from his ability to control gravity, most prominently demonstrated by Waid in Birthright. Anybody else think this would be a good excuse for his PreC ability to time travel? Using gravity to cause time dilation etc.? Also controlling his own flow of time could explain a bunch of his speed related feats. Thoughts?
sorry I didn't read Birthright. but Supes has never time travelled standing still, has he?
I always thought he was flying.
The Speed force is the answer. Superman gets his superspeed and time power from the speed force, but while he can control the power of the speed force, he does not have access to as many aspects as the Flash does. But than the Flash can risk being called into the speed force permanently if he goes too fast.
Does Supes have tactile tk? News to me. Maybe on an involuntary response level. He cannot consciously move things by tk, even if he touches them in most versions of Superman , though in the Superman movie it makes it look like he can when he is barely touching Lois's fingertips he is enabling her to "fly" by t.t.k. as long as he is in physical contact with her. If he could control it consciously he'd use ttk to bunch in his cape everytime he's hit by a large explosion so as to make it flat on his body and prevent the vast cost of replacing shredded/burned capes.
Re time travel , gravity control and tactile tk. No Gravity would only let you trime travel in one direction. You don't so much travel in time as you perception of time slows down relative to you, but not say for instance back on earth. So parking your ship near a black hole or gravity source of sufficient amount for 1 hour ship-time, might allow you to return to earth in 10 years earth time. But like with Charlton Heston's trip in the first original "Planet of The Apes" movie, ( not the one in theatres recently) it is a one way trip forward into the future. It's called the time dilation effect because it slows down time for the traveler, while time travels normal speed elsewhere.
You can't use gravity to travel back it time. Not by itself anyway. Perhaps the psionic manipulation of strings might come into play.
I think Superman's powers operate much like a football jock throwing a ball. He doesn't think about the physics and aerodynamics. He just tries to throw the ball to the receiver. The harder he tries, the harder or more intense the effect.
he can lift buildings without them collapsing because its a story/writers device to help the story. In comics physics you don't have to show the math to support the effect like in real world physics.
So when the story needs it , Supes saves a crashing plane by grabbing the wing, and it doesn't break off. When the story needs the burning tenament to collapse on Supes , it does. Writer's discretion.
I always thought it was speed, velocity, and speed manipulation while he was flying which allowed the old Superman to time travel. and even dimension travel once into the realm of death.
If you want a semi plausible explanation perhaps Kryptonians have a rapport, psionically with the Phantom Zone, and perhaps they can sometimes use this as a viaduct/portal to the time-stream dimension to navigate the various temporal eddies and tides to travel back and forth in time. Jor-El and others on Krypton seemed to use the Phantom Zone to banish criminals. Perhaps its a family thing and only the house of El has the mutation, hence we've never seen General Zod time travel.
But who knows, I' m just guessing here