Right you are, LLozymandias (see? I got it right this time

). It was in Action Comics #466 "You Can Take the Man Out of the Super, But You Can't Take the Super Out of the Boy!" by Cary Bates.
"Hypnotists use the power of suggestion to make subjects believe what they want them to -- But with my super-power of suggestion -- my mind can make whatever I believe has happened really happen!"
-- Superboy's/Superman's thoughts, AC #466, page 16, panel 5.
Also, Julian, notice in DC One Million #2 that the Linear Men were concerned about the paradox of Superman being killed by Gog in the 21st century (reference to the later The Kingdom miniseries) but being still alive in the 853rd century. They had no concerns at all about Superman-Prime being young-looking while his 21st century counterpart had evidently aged with at least greying hair. (Possibly, that was the only evidence of true aging since Ross draws/paints a young Superman with the same face minus the grey hair.) It does lead credence to your idea that his self-image is what's behind that older appearance in KC but he 'decides' to look younger in the distant future.
"I need hard data. Superman is alive in the 853rd century. So why do our records tell us someone named Gog killed Superman in the 21st?"
-- Waverider to Liri Lee, DC One Million #2, page 15, panel 1.