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Author Topic: The Superman Secret ID Club  (Read 7676 times)
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« on: October 29, 2005, 10:31:03 PM »

I started drawing up one of my time-wastin' comics "lists" again and I thought I'd ask for help with it.

This one is for every character who knew that Clark was Superman's secret ID.

The list only applies to characters who did not learn and then forget (or die) within the course of a single story. Superman hypnotized a lot of people or used Amnesium on them  to protect his secret ID almost as soon as they learned it, for example. And I won't bother to include any time-travelers who mainly lived in the future, such as the Legion of Super-Heroes and their enemies, since Superman's secret ID was generally accepted as becoming public knowledge after his lifetime.

I probably overlooked at least a few good ones (it was a surprisingly large group by the time the Crisis rolled around). Feel free to post suggestions.

Earth-Two Superman:

Lois Lane-Kent
Power Girl
Most (all?) of the Justice Society

Earth-One Superman

Ma and Pa Kent (deceased)

Robin / Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
Pete Ross
Jon Ross
Green Lantern (Hal)
The Flash (Barry)
Wonder Woman
Green Arrow
The Atom
Black Canary
Elongated Man
Lori Lemaris
All Phantom Zone prisoners
The Supermen Emergency Squad of Kandor
Some (all?) inhabitants of Kandor
All members of the Superman Revenge Squad
Ambush Bug
Rokk and Sorban
CW Saturn
Lyle Corliss
Ryan Lowell (later hypnotized to forget)
All Bizarro-Supermen
The Parasite
All Superman/Clark Kent robots
The Sandman of Earth-1 (Garrett Sanford)
The Spectre
The Thanagarians
President John F. Kennedy (deceased)
The Quakerer
The Monitor and Harbinger (knew everything)
All comic readers of Earth-Prime
Numerous other aliens

Characters who may well have known, but I don’t remember it being specifically shown:

Red Tornado
The Phantom Stranger
The Guardians
Fred and Edna Danvers
Sue Dibny
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« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2005, 03:58:55 AM »

I know that the Guardians know.  Can't quote chapter and verse but the "Old Timer" from Last Son of Krypton knew and had a chat with Clark in Kryptonese, or something.

The Kandor question is interesting: I remember one or two stories involving Kandorians who wheren't hep to the secret id thing.  Did I imagine this?  Kandor is a city the size of New York, I suppose there are people there who don't follow the news or know anything about history.  Kind of like finding an objective juror for the Michael Jackson case --who hasn't heard of Michael Jackson?

What about the wives of Justice Leaguers besides Sue Dibny?

It's funny how all aliens know.

Bat-mite?  Mxy must know.

E2 JSA?  The JSA is funny: more of a club where men dress up to relax.  More secretive?  Do they know each others' or are they all still into the "secret identity" thing?  The JLA was less macho, more UN.  Would Zatanna tell her father?  His career started around the same time as Superman's.

That Mynah bird from "Clark Kent's Minah Dilemna".

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« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2005, 04:10:57 AM »

Mr. Xavier and his evil overlords...I don't think you list them...
Klar Ken T5477
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« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2005, 05:51:32 AM »

Zor-El and Allura
Uncle Mxy
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« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2005, 02:03:10 PM »

Steve Allen
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« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2005, 05:57:45 PM »

An amendment to the list, but I'd assume it's actually "everyone breathing and over the age of 3 on Earth-Prime", not just comic fans---given Superman's level of being a cultural icon in the "real world". ;-)

I'll also add:

- the aliens in the Superboy story from the 80's where he's trapped on another planet as a "theme park" attraction

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« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2005, 08:46:45 PM »

I'm not sure, but I think The Teen Titans may've known.  

Also, in the Pre-satellite days of the JLA, they did NOT share their identities with one another, though some members shared the info amongst themselves (Superman/Batman, Flash/Green Lantern).  

Mr. Mxyzptlk did NOT know Superman had another identity as Clark Kent, as shown in the story where he changed the gender of everybody on the planet (there was a Clara Kent, but no Miss Mxyzptlk, and that's how Superman knew Mxy was behind his troubles).

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« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2005, 09:36:15 AM »

Quote from: "Gernot"
I'm not sure, but I think The Teen Titans may've known.  

Also, in the Pre-satellite days of the JLA, they did NOT share their identities with one another, though some members shared the info amongst themselves (Superman/Batman, Flash/Green Lantern).  

Mr. Mxyzptlk did NOT know Superman had another identity as Clark Kent, as shown in the story where he changed the gender of everybody on the planet (there was a Clara Kent, but no Miss Mxyzptlk, and that's how Superman knew Mxy was behind his troubles).


Side note: I guess the Atom was the only JLA member who could travel to the cave-quarters in "pre-Satellite" days, via land-line I guess. Cheesy

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