P.S. You never thought Brainiac was married, eh? Well, sometimes I need my pink shirt ironed, the old saucer washed around - I'm a 50s type of alien - y'know...
Aha! At last the origin of Brainiac's pink shirt! It started as a white shirt but the missus left a pair of red panties in the wash...
I just got my "Showcase" book and I feel like a little kid again...what a great item! At 500 pages, it's got all of Archive 1, all that will be in Archive 2 and a little of Archive 3, so I'm thrilled (the more the merrier!).
Whether I will continue to buy the Archives remains to be seen. There's just something about that red and blue outfit that's not quite as fun in black and white, but I have to tell you a big part of comics' appeal for me was always their price point. I grew up in the days of "100 pages for 50 cents", and these books recapture those glory days wonderfully.
My gut feeling now is that I will not buy the second Archive, but then when it hits the stands, I'll probably give in.