I'm also a huge Elliot S! Maggin fan, and a believer that he's quite possibly the only human being on the planet who really understands Superman and his supporting cast.
I'd like to see the writers that Heroic Publishing(
www.heroicpub.com) has take a crack at Superman. They have a sense of fun.
This cover proves it:
http://www.heroicpub.com/flare/graphics/preview33/pagecover.jpgAll that is suppose to occur in that issue
The only real 'problem' with the titles is the heavy Greek art element in a few of the stories, especially when Olympus or Dark Malice is brought into the mix. IOW nudity. However, if I'm forced to choose. I'll take the Greek's glorification of the human body over the decadent violence in the Iron Age of comics any day.
As to Infinte Crisis. I'm going to read IC, but I am firmly confident in Didio. He has a hatred for anything that is happy. The E-2 Superman, Alex Luthor, the E-Prime Superboy, and the E-2 Lois Lane has to be very grating for him. It was a happy ending for them. The only thing left is for him to grab the E-2 Steve Trevor and Wonder Woman off of Olympus and kill them as well.
Didio not only wants to make the current DCU darker, but he's trying to force the darkness back into the Silver/Bronze Age. The Silver Age characters didn't bother hiding the mind wipes. They were very blatant about it.
The best example comes from Challenge of the Superfriends. Superman grabbed Lex Luthor's mind control ray and turned it on the Legion of Doom (That's a fine idea Lex. Why don't I use it?)