IMHO, what differentiates Marvel in general from DC is their greater willingness to embrace fads and trendiness. Note the Silver Surfer (derived from the surfer teen fad of the 60s), the Inhumans (deriving from the hippies),. Dazzler (disco era hero), Shang Chi/Iron Fist (martial arts fad), Deathlok (bionics craze).
Oh...really now? DC doesn't chase fads?
Remember the KARATE KID series? Props to DC for jumping on the Kung Fu bandwagon several YEARS later. Better late than never, guys!
Remember Denny's "Mod" Wonder Woman?
Remember WARLORD? (How hard could it possibly be to get a license for a real Sword & Sorcery character, anyway?

Remember Wolfman's "All-New, All-Different Teen Titans?"
Remember GREEN LANTERN/GREEN ARROW? Superheroes caring about society or whatever was the Marvel guys' shtick until then.
And this is not even getting to Modern stuff.
DC chases fads just as much, they just aren't as savvy as Marvel used to be.