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Author Topic: Earth-2 Superman question  (Read 12916 times)
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Great Rao
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« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2005, 09:01:21 PM »

Quote from: "NotSuper"
Someone should really scan them.

I really wanted to scan some for the site, until I actually read a couple of them.  They weren't as good as I was hoping.  I think I've asked this before, but if anyone can suggest any that are any good, I'll add them.  The consensus was that the one I've got (the wedding) is the best of the lot.


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Super Monkey
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« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2005, 09:29:27 PM »

I am still waiting for a Super Monkey story to make it on this site.  :shock:  :mrgreen:

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« Reply #18 on: September 01, 2005, 04:32:15 AM »

I liked the other Colonel Future story enough to create an entry at the Supermanica.  He is one of those great "loser" villains like the Circus of Crime over at Marvel.

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Uncle Mxy
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« Reply #19 on: September 01, 2005, 06:30:14 PM »

Quote from: "Captain Kal"
Uncle Mxy, power creep is a given for nearly every character regardless of the circumstances.

Heh...  I don't even know what I was replying to initially.  It made sense when I wrote it, but I think I must've misread something since I'm more or less repeating what someone else said for no good reason and missing the point.  

And power creep is only as inevitable as bad writing...  Smiley
Captain Kal
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« Reply #20 on: September 01, 2005, 06:41:35 PM »

No problem, Uncle Mxy.  I goofed myself earlier on the clones of Superman thread.  We're all friends here. Smiley

I just remembered something else that bugged me about that Mr. and Mrs. Superman story.

Superman took Lois to his Secret Citadel outside Metropolis (E-2 Superman had his in a mountain outside the city).  She helped him train himself back into peak form basically overnight so Kal-L could whup Metalo (not a misspelling for this character, BTW) the next day.

I mean, all of his equipment were oversized, overheavy versions of normal gym equipment and weights, that's all.  We're supposed to believe he could improve overnight like that?  We're supposed to believe he could suddenly fly again after a night of working out?

We'd have to buy into E-2 Superman having a power of super-development/adaptation worthy of his E-1 counterpart for this to work.

Again, I don't buy into that story.  I agree that the Mr. and Mrs. Superman stories were generally not that good.  The only good one in the bunch was the marriage story.  That was handled with respect and dignity.  The others were just plain silly.

Captain Kal

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